The Judge denied the defendant probation. The defendant than immediately proved the Judge’s judgement to be correct.
He launched himself over the Judge’s bench and tackled the Judge to the ground and was able to beat the ■■■■ out of her for several seconds until court personnel were finally able to drag him away.
She remained on the ground for a couple of minutes and then was taken out to get medical aid.
Obviously, the defendant probably won’t be receiving probation for anything anytime soon. Attacking a Judge will buy him at least five years in State prison.
And the local Sheriff better give some serious reconsideration to the court security and bailiff services he is providing, as they failed big time. Both the fact that the defendant could get to the Judge at all and in addition, being able to continue his attack for several seconds is unacceptable.
The video was crazy. I bet with day after day of routine court cases, most courts have pretty slack security. Not saying its right but just the nature of things.
Yes, that guy was right on it. (Although it looks like he punches like a girl.) But he didn’t hesitate to get right in there, and he gets big props for that.
Defendant was on trial for “attempted battery with substantial bodily harm”, and one would think a guy up on violent charges would be restrained at a minimum with cuffs.
That was amazing how quick her clerk moved, much quicker than the court Marshall. The judge is fine thank goodness and was able to give her original ruling a few days later and the perp is supposed to be arraigned today on the new charges possibly attempted murder.
A man who assaulted a Las Vegas judge earlier this year when he jumped over the bench and knocked her into a wall has been sentenced to up to 65 years in prison, according to his defense attorney.