This is what our President tweets on 9/11

It might be because Trump says or tweets something stupid every day.

Y’all realize that giant video screens are common place in large auditoriums and stadiums so people can actually see the speaker, right?

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I swear to god the way some cons act its almost as if they get a thrill when you combine 9/11 and Trump.

I’m sure they made Melania wear an overcoat and kept trump in a suite to keep him from looking even fatter…

It was simply the appropriate reply to the OP.

Oh, Leroy, I always knew that, never was a bit confused or uninformed on that part. However the person who mentioned the large image of Obama in that negative post of theirs apparently or perhaps was not aware of that practice?

But thanks for pointing out the obvious to the seeming oblivious, myself not included.


I’m tempted. But I don’t want another timeout.

**[quote=“Apocalypto, post:248, topic:212760, full:true”]

She has a son-beautiful young man. I’ve met him once or twice. :rofl::rofl:

He was just a coffee boy.

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Photoshop or just unusual stitching?

Besides, don’t know for certain, but that looks more like a coat than a dress?

Just odd coincidence with her coat’s stitching, but it sure gives folks a fun “turn about is fair play” moment with First Lady Melania’s clothing choices.

Lord knows the some on the Right had heydays in Hannityland with First Lady Michelle Obama’s clothing and accessory choices, all from the proverbial “exploding heads” over her alleged “taxpayer paid for” VBH clutch purse they claimed cost $6000 dollars (it didn’t) to her $540 sneakers she wore to a soup kitchen. To note, neither item was paid for by taxpayers.

The First Lady Michelle Obama sleeveless dress controversy I can’t pin on the Right as it was a jaw dropper for folks all across the spectrum that she dared wear a sleeveless dress to the President’s first SOTU or a sleeveless gown to the 2009 inaugural ball.

And yet, it was Obama, and the right-wing response to that was more or less what you BELIEVE it would have been under Trump.

The projection from Trumps supporters is insane.

Was it?

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What does? What are y’all talking about?

UFO passing by the Washington Monument.

Yes, it was. In fact her sleeveless frocks all throughout her time as First Lady were very much the inspiration of controversy among those who applauded them and those who condemned them.

Her first official First Lady portrait, her wearing a lovely but sleeveless black dress, was quite the talk of the town when it was initially revealed.

The coat that First Lady Melania Trump was wearing, in the pic Obese Donald tweeted yesterday. The black or very dark blue coat, with the unfortunate but coincidental white stitching that some are reading way too much into.

Do please try to keep up.

A bunch of grown (allegedly) men bitching about the stitching in a woman’s coat? There’s no way…

I will. Next time if it bothers you so much, don’t reply. Somebody else will.

I felt the same about Obama.

In your opinion.