This is Pro Choice? Really?

No. Obviously the patient has to give consent for that.

That’s what irks me about some of these Planned Parenthood threads “Planned Parenthood performs more abortion than anyone.” How are they doing that without the patients’ consent?

What I am saying in many pregnant patients aren’t being informed of the imperfect nature of these screenings to begin with. Shouldn’t choice not only involve more than one option, but being fully informed about the testing—including false positives—that could lead to a decision being made in the first place?

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Here’s the penalty on a lab owner for falsifying drug testing results.

Any physician who gives misleading results should face the same.

Choice involves not only receiving the correct information, but multiple choices as to how to handle that information—undergo further testing? Prepare for the Downs child? Termination?


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If your pregnant there are only two options, have an abortion or not.

Yup. Then there’s adoption, and parenthood. You don’t have to kill something you don’t want. Especially if it’s a human life.


Which is part of the choice of NOT having an abortion. Two options.

Seems you are in favor of all information and options clearly being given to women.

So am I. Will you join me in asking for the gag rule to be removed? (Mexico City policy)

Actually that’s three options. Learn to count.

First choice, have an abortion or not two options. Second choice comes after making the first.

Nah. It’s three options. Life is not black and white, especially a fetus’ life.

Don’t pull the curtains too far back buddy.

Alive or dead, two options.