This is NOT ok libs. Stop looking like you're cheating

Foreign nationals? Jeebus. Did they have their Guatemalan passports in hand or something?

SMOTI strikes again.

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Intelligence :wink:


Well, I don’t believe that actually happened, because it isn’t reported anywhere but GP.

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Because liberal states want non-citizens voting.

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Note the modifier, “some sort.”

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Not in federal elections. You don’t understand how anything works. You have now repeatedly made horrible remarks about American citizens because of your definition of what an American citizen must be. And then you projected your prejudices onto a group of people based on what the internet told you is happening

I would tell you to be better but that would be akin to peeing into the wind.


So that citizens for whom English is not a first language can read and understand ballot initiatives.

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And everybody know anyone talkin’ Mexican ain’t no citizen, right Cleotis?

Probably because you’re using Google. Remember. Nobody in the voting district is denying this. Maybe the feds should declare this to be misinformation?

Well… they want it. But they can’t get it.

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Everybody knows that U.S. citizens do not need interpreters, Right Nitwittian?

Ohhh Lou Dobbs! Isn’t he dead? This is typical rightie circular reporting- one shady outlet copies it from another. Literally the same headline!

Wouldn’t the poll workers have reported this to their bosses and to an actual news outlet?

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You’ll never convince die hards.

the US population is 14% Hispanic. Thats around 40M
There are a minimum of 22M Illegal aliens in the country

so yeah, about half the time that would be correct.

I know how EV-REE-THING works. Calm down. No need to get angry. I’m just asking why a large group of foreign nationals were in a polling station during active voting. Why do you have a problem with that? Afraid to know the truth or simply non-curious?

It would be good for Vote Today PA to comment on possible line cutting or how they are operating. Did they have an appointment etc.

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It’s not just a field trip.

By the way that PA county i was talking about stopping voters from voting up to the normal quitting time yesterday is being sued by the Trump campaign who are alleging voter suppression.

You have zero evidence that they are foreign nationals. Zero.


This is why it’s so easy to get folks outraged.

Two days from now there will be reporting from the other side.

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Do you know they haven’t? This literally just happened.
All I want to know is: In a time when the feds are suing states to keep ineligible voters on the rolls, why the hell would anybody bring a large group of foreign nationals into a polling station while voting is going on. Super stupid. Right?

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The one photo in that article looks like a group of Americans waiting on line to me.

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