This is not just another evolution thread

This notion that lions roamed around looking to eat and kill humans non stop is wrong anyway. Humans weren’t the only thing to eat. We certainly weren’t the fattest biggest bang for the buck meal either. It’s why many pack animals try to pick off infants in herds of large animals.

Wonderful! So which came first; clothing or the tools needed to kill the animal to make the clothing out of? And then of course the tools to skin the animal, cut and stitch the skins together and hopefully cure it somehow so it doesn’t stink, rot off their bodies and serve to draw every predator around them to themselves?

The tools would have come first. We’ve observed apes and chimpanzees in our current time making tools and using rocks to break things. We started making tools and weapons long before we began losing hair

Note that various species have language too and can be taught sign language and / or understand basic human language.

You do realize that my lion example does not literally mean just lions don’t you? Let’s put it this way: if you were a hungry predator stalking prey, and they prey senses your presence and starts to run, what would you rather chase, a gazelle sprinting away at 40 mph, or a human being sprinting away at 9 or 10 mph? True, humans weren’t the only thing to eat, but they would be one of the easiest things to catch, especially a child.

A human child is not much of a meal. Plus humans didn’t just wander around by themselves., whistling in the wind. We were also climbers and likely didn’t stray too far away from trees if we didn’t feel safe. You can see a lot from heights of a tree. Can you please explain why tigers and lions haven’t wiped out all of the apes, chimpanzees and primates all together?

I’d rather a gazelle or zebra or elephant not sense me before I get it so I can score 100s of pounds of meat. Plus, since I travel in a pack I’d triangulate the herd while they are stationary. Have you ever watched wolves/lions hunt? Since gazelles migrate and travel in large herds, my lion pack can follow the herd. Lions don’t run in guns blazing.

Kinda begs the question though, if lions are such human exterminating machines why in the world did God create them in the first place lol

As an aside, do you believe in dinosaurs existing millions of years before man? Why didnt trex kill all lion ancestors?

Shouldn’t lions have killed adam and eve?

You know why I often say that liberalism and political correctness destroys a person’s ability to reason and think critically? Because you continually post without reasoning or critical thinking. Your more interested in living up to your signature then actually discussing the points being made.

Your posts are full of assumptions ( or theories) that you can’t scientifically back up, and contradictions that you don’t even realize you’re making. I’ve brought a couple things to your attention to address, but you press on as if your post settled the issue. I tried at the beginning of this thread to create a specific point in time that must have occurred if evolution is true, but you (and not just you) change the scene to fit your narrative instead of addressing the points in mine.

First, I stipulated ( twice) that WE, ■■■■ sapiens were here in the very early stage of our arrival. I bring up evolving naked in a climate with widely swinging temperatures. BINGO! Your answer is we had fur that negated the climate issue and that we lost a little at a time as we moved to more temperate climates. You can not possibly prove scientifically the amount of fur or hair early ■■■■ sapiens had, let alone how much was lost and in what proportion to the temperature of the climate. You also have no basis to assume fur was lost due to climate change at all. If your assumption was that since we first evolved in the heat of Africa, then we must have shed the fur as we moved to cooler climates. First, it doesn’t make sense we would evolve with fur in a hot climate but lose it slowly as we moved to cooler climates which necessitated the creation of clothing. Why wouldn’t we evolve with no hair in the hot climate and grow hair as we moved to cooler climates? Or, why lose fur at all? Furry animals exist in all climates, fur protects from heat and cold. Why would we lose fur which necessitated clothing at all? You can’t prove fur period.

My assumption ( and my stipulation) is that we were as we are now in the evolutionary stage. We know we have been like this for thousands of years. Naked. No fur. ■■■■ sapiens, not Neanderthal, cro magnon, australopithicus, piltdown man, Lucy, or geicoman. US.

Prove your fur theory with the science you worship or admit it’s only a THEORY.

This is for starters…

It’s a valid question. If lions existing disprove the existence of human evolution, then wouldn’t those same lions have eaten Adam and Eve or the small generation they begot?

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We lost fur as the climate got hotter in Africa. As the climate got hotter and began affecting the amount of vegetation and jungle in Africa, we began migrating north into more temperate climates. As we began migrating north, splitting the population, and exploring Europe / Asia, we began making clothes.

You can’t just discount our relatives and ancestors because they show why and how we got to where we are. ■■■■ sapien isn’t the only mammal without fur (and btw we DO have hair). Elephants have very little hair, pigs, hippos, etc. You can’t box a million years of evolution into 1000 years and then discount all other features of the human stages that allowed the evolution of particular traits.

I didn’t realize that the robustness of the Theory that speciation occurs through natural selection hinges on the distribution of body hair in early Human genus.


We have genetics, geology, anthropology and fossil records backing up that our ancestors migrated out of Africa and lost their fur during a warm period before and to some degree, during the migration.

Ahh, nevermind. God did it.

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It’s not like we are butt naked either. There are very hairy humans. We still have hair all over our body (albeit very short). We probably got to where we are today after women and men decided they no longer wanted to have sex with hairballs. I posit that 15000 years ago we were on average more hairy than we are today.

Wrong. Many humans / ■■■■ genus stayed in Africa. In fact, Egypt was home to one of our first civilizations along the lush Nile. Moreover, we could have migrated back and forth during temperature swings. Your “all or nothing” approach is probably why you are so confused. We lost our hair as temperatures rose in Africa. As temperatures rose we began migrating north, out of Africa through Egypt / Israel.

Again, lions was the example I used to represent ALL the predators that early man would have had to deal with. Think about one of your responses to my being chased by a lion scenario.

In post 66 you said “A human child is not much of a meal.” What you are doing here is trying to dismiss the whole predator concept. I tend to believe lions ( again, I’m talking any predator, not just specifically lions) are not discriminating like people in their eating habits. My point was not the win/lose ratio of predator vs. man, but that early man had to be constantly on guard against predators of all types. BTW, I’d like to see a full grown man fend off a lion bare handed, or even with a crude flint knife. Read about the Tsavo lions and what it took to bring them down. Or watch the movie about it.

Then you said “plus humans didn’t just wander around by themselves whistling in the wind.” How do you scientifically know this? How long into evolutionary history did it take for early man to learn to stay in groups or only travel in groups? You implied in the next post that lions are cunning, they triangulate and hunt in packs. If this is true, then what would rule out a pack of lions from triangulating a small group of humans (especially if it was a small group of women and children) and having a meal?

Then you said “we were also climbers and likely didn’t stray too far away from trees if we didn’t feel safe.” This is just dumb for many reasons. Remember, in the little animation you presented? Man had lost that little toe bone that allowed them to climb like primates, we had become bipedal and were migrating. Yet here you are, millions of years after we left the trees, asserting that we were still good climbers and still stayed near trees for safety. If we still were climbing trees to be safe, why did we leave the trees, evolve into bipeds and lose that little bone in the first place? Not to mention that those trees you believe they would have climbed into may have been full of other types of predators. But this still wasn’t my point, which evidently I’m wasting my time trying to make…

Again, there was a diverse population of prey for lions and other predators. By your logic here, Adam and Eve couldn’t have existed at all either because they and their families would have been killed by predators.

We know we stayed in trees / vegetative areas for millions of years based on fossil and geological records. It wasn’t until climate change that we began to wander into the Savannah. Mammals commonly travel and organize in packs. It would have been silly for the entire population of primates to just willy nilly leave trees and run around among lions.

Yes, certain species became bipedal and eventually lost some bones that aided in climbing. That doesn’t mean we still couldn’t climb, and it doesnt mean that during that SLOW gradual evolution we didn’t adapt.

You need to stop viewing evolution as some fast linear light switch between species. It is a LONG and GRADUAL BRANCHING.

Again, we didnt just willy nilly wake up and leave the trees and move into the Savannah on a whim. We didnt just wake up one day and start popping out babies with a radically different toe structure.
It would have been a slow and gradual process. In the early stages we wouldn’t have strayed very far. We would likely have learned the danger areas and predators habits. Regarding predators existing in trees as well, then ok - if that’s the case who knows how any apes or chimpanzees exist at all. How in the world is the sloth still around?

I guess God did it and for some reason Adam amd Eve are the exception to all you are saying. How did Adam and Eve fend off all those tigers, lions and bears?