This Girl has Kamala Down!

She really has her pegged.


fries, shakes, and cackles…

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The fact that Kamala can stand before cameras and NOT know how stupid she is and how she looks :thinking: …it takes a special kind of stupid to be like that.
The woman is a classless idiot.
Hey men of America…does your stomach not turn watching her talk? And women across the land…do you not get hives listenning to her especially when she takes a stab at Phylosophy or sharing her briliance that turns into a story told to 6 y. olds?

“Ukraine is a small country in Europe…[hands up vawing, she nods and then pauses…LET THAT SINK, FOLKS…].
Russia is a big country in Europe…[ hands making a bigger loop, longer pause for the effect…]…
Russia attacked Ukraine…”

Ha a a a a a a llllo o o o o uuuu…anybody home !!!

Spadey ol chum we have to get past Harris’ looks, intellect, voice and cackle.
Harris is directly responsible for catastrophic policy failures that have been detrimental to America. The Dimbulbcrats want us all to forget the last 4 years and to believe a “new and improved” Harris will remedy the problems she created?
Harris’ record not just as a failed VP but her congressional and as a prosecutor in San Francisco and as AG of California.

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It’s not a look.


If Trump can focus on policy and her past record, stop with the stupid name calling, worrying about who has the bigger crowd or if Harris is black, Indian etc then he could very well win in November.

But its so easy to needle Trump and get him to focus on the wrong things he is his own worst enemy.

All Harris has to do in the debate (assuming we have one) is make a comment about how she gets bigger crowds than him and thats it, game over that will be his focus for the rest of the debate.

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Why do Democrats try to hide from the truth? The truth should be welcomed, not hidden from.

“Nowhere on her birth certificate does it say that she is BLACK OR AFRICAN. @KamalaHQ is a liar. Donald Trump is correct. Kamala Harris is NOT black and never has been.”

Loomer shared a similar post on Truth Social, which Trump reshared.

We contacted Loomer for more evidence to support her claim and she said, "Jamaican is a nationality. Not a race. You do understand there are white Jamaicans right? Nowhere does it say she’s black."

“Her birth certificate says Caucasian and Jamaican. Can you tell me where on that birth certificate it says she’s black? Or are you preparing to lie and say that all Jamaicans are black?”

Go for it mate, make that a cornerstone of Trumps platform on how to beat Harris.

Didnt work out too well for cons when they told us time and time again that Obama was not black.

Kamala Harris’ father ----- Jamaican, Donald J Harris, a retired Stanford professor with Marxist leanings. Lives less than one mile from the White House.