There is no concept of enough

You don’t believe that.

Your post is just conspiracy theories. Sorry.

You are right about Trump… he was continuing a Republican policy that originated under Reagan.

You are also right with your marijuana example, but it is a larger issue that government control. When Romney was running for President, he was questioned about the wealth he amassed at Bain Capital because its leveraged buy-out strategy frequency cost jobs. His counter-example was Bain’s support of the creation of Staples. He claimed credit for all the people working at Staples, but that ignores the fact that Staples did not create a new type of business; it just replaced local small business stationary stores with larger superstore. All the owners and employees of those stationary stores were put out of business, but in this case it was the free market driving concentration, not the government.

Concentration is hugely behind the wealth generated by net based businesses. In New York City, UBER makes a great deal of money for a few people, employs an army of poorly paid drivers and has hugely damaged individual taxi medallion owners. In that case, government regulation protected the wealth of small entrepreneurs (by limiting the number of medallions). De-regulation has made everyone poorer except for a few people associated with UBER.

So we agree on a great deal, but I think the issue is more complicated than assuming that the government is always the source of unequal distribution of wealth.

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The uber drivers seem to do well… so, just the opposite. More choice for consumers, more money for drivers. You’d subsidized buggy whip makers, I guess…

Govt is the greatest force for unequal distribution of wealth. That’s what Eisenhower was warning you. Obama care is a govt corporation complex… It’s not just about the military.

JFK was the first trickle down economics guy

I absolutely do. A fake document financed by Hillary Clinton used to obtain a FISA warrant? FBI agents admitting to using it as an insurance policy? It doesn’t get any sleazier than that.

Tell the democrat socialists who want to build Norway, the top tax rate there is 39%…

Ha, ha…

Your apology is accepted. And here’s some documented facts.

A fake document financed by Hillary Clinton used to obtain a FISA warrant. FBI agents admitting to using it as an insurance policy. It doesn’t get any sleazier than that.

At least they have a goal and direction. The Republicans are a product of the 1980’s and have accomplished everything they have set out to do.

They have nowhere else to go. What are they doing here?

The left wants to progress to tyranny. Why do you want the govt telling you how to live?

Isn’t the republican party the party with the “moral majority” that tells people how to live?

Moral majority, lol…Talk about stuck in the 80’s… What does it say at how far back you had to look for an example?

The unmitigated gall of a Trump apologist using the word, “sleazier” without referring to Trump himself is funny as hell.

Thanks for the chuckle.

What about the “porn tax” in Arizona?

You’d really like to believe all that wouldn’t you.

Buggy whips. Sure…what is Trump doing fetishizing coal miners? I’m all in favor of creative destruction; it is how economies grow. My current start-up is a disruptive use of big data… we’re not protecting anything.

Where you and I differ is you tend see things in absolute terms. Government: bad. Market: good. I see a more nuanced world in which both government and markets have good and bad effects. As to government being the greatest force for unequal distribution of wealth… I have no idea of what you are talking about and neither do economists. You have to account for network effects (look at Jared Larner’s work) and Michael Sandal’s work on the morality of markets – an excellent examination of where what types of goods markets are good at distributing or not distributing.

UBER drivers may seem to dowell to you, but the data I have seen show that UBER floods markets with drivers to the point where coverage for riders is excellent but income for drivers is poor. Yes, UBER does give riders more choice – where I live UBER is cheaper than taxis and the UBER cars are much better maintained. But that’s equivalent to WalMart. Consumers appreciated WalMart’s focus on low prices, but WalMart drove a tremendous amount of production of consumer goods out of the US so that their suppliers could meet WalMart’s demand for low price.

Finally, as to ObamaCare – remember it is based on the conservative Heritage Foundation’s plan to keep insurance companies in the business… developed in response to Hillary Clinton’s failed health care initiative in the early 90’s. Obama went with the market based solution in the hope of gaining conservative support. Probably a mistake since he did not get their support. But the conservative trashing of ObamaCare is paving the way for single payer and the end of market-based health care. That is entirely the fault of the conservative movement, which if it really thought markets were the way to go should have worked to make the ACA succeed. I am no fan of single payer, but it will come to America because Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Donald Trump worked so hard to make the market based solution fail. OWN IT!

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Norway also has a VAT tax(national sales tax, goods and services) of 25%, 15% for food.

Ha, ha…he, he…

I do, one million a year max.

I know to make it even funnier I could have mentioned crooked Hillary, Chuck, Nancy, Adam Schiff or any of those lying hypocrites. Now that would have been funny. Sorry I missed it.

As I’ve always said, money doesn’t trickle down. There is a gigantic funnel that sucks money from pretty much everybody on this board up to the richest people in the world. Rich Mexicans. Rich Europeans. Rich Americans.