THE WEST WING: Kanye West, Trump Discuss Prison Reform, Chicago Inside Oval Office

Originally published at: THE WEST WING: Kanye West, Trump Discuss Prison Reform, Chicago Inside Oval Office | Sean Hannity

Iconic musician and outspoken Trump-supporter Kanye West had his first official meeting with the President inside the Oval Office Thursday; discussing prison reform, gun violence, manufacturing jobs and more.

West -wearing his coveted ‘Make America Great Again’ cap- spoke with Trump and reporters during the high-energy meeting; saying he’s been routinely intimidated into abandoning his support for the Commander-in-Chief.

“They tried to scare me to not wear this hat,” West said. “When I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman - my favorite superhero. You made a Superman cape for me.”

"When we make everything in China and not America, we’re cheating on our country,” he added.

“Illegal guns is the problem, not legal guns, we have the right to bear arms,” West said of the Second Amendment.

Read the full story at Fox News.

This is a good thing, right?

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Common Just called to say hello

“It baffles me that this is the person the White House chooses to set as an example for our kids”

“Is this appropriate? Talks about killing cops. And I can bring up a whole slew of other things, “n” word. I don’t like the way he talks about women. Is this the guy, poet, we ought to be inviting to the White House, the people’s house 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?”

“I don’t know, big mistake. I think it will backfire with the country, that’s my prediction”

Who said those quotes?

Hey Sean,