The two mistakes both parties should avoid

J6. Rehashing J6 will get them nowhere. What happened on J6 over three years ago is on nobody’s top 20 list today. Very few people still care. The ones who do are rock solid Biden people anyway. We have real, actual Biden created problems to worry about. That’s what people want to discuss.

Stolen elections. Trump’s base has already made up their minds. They don’t need to be convinced. He will attract zero new voters by complaining about stolen elections. Again. Address current issues and how you will fix them.


I concur.

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J6 is important to jolt people out of lazy “both sides” thinking this election. There’s Democrats, then there’s red-hats openly flirting with their dream of a North American banana republic. Democrats shouldn’t leave that alone like it’s something normal.

Neither should Republicans. They should listen to the previous vice-president’s warning about the guy who’s taking over their entire party apparatus.


Seriously. How much more jolting do they need? They’ve been hit over the head with this for over three years. Nearly nonstop. Most people are suffering from J6 fatigue. But sure. Biden should focus on that and see how far it gets him.

We can just let Jack Smith and the court concentrate on J6.

Democrats have nothing else to run on. Jan. 6th plus every other false charge they’ve leveled against Trump. There’s not a single thing they can point to that’s improved under Biden. True, they’re not convincing anyone that hasn’t already been convinced, but their alternative is to risk allowing Biden or Harris to speak. Bigger mistake.

As for stolen elections- yes, Trump should stop talking about past stolen elections and start talking about how to stop Democrats from stealing the next one. It would be a mistake to believe that honesty and fair elections is what they want. Keep exposing the ballot stuffers and the corruption of every DA and judge in every blue state that’s filed false charges against Trump. Keep exposing the corruption until it can no longer be covered up by the equally corrupt media. Many Democrats have woke up by what they’ve seen and more and more will wake up as the news finally starts doing it’s job. No downside for Trump to keep doing what he’s doing…


IMO…the election being stolen in 2024 is the “current issue” the right needs to prepare for in advance. What security needs to be put into place to help insure this election is an honest one?

Republicans were getting pretty close to getting rid of him around March and April 2023 then the Democrats started throwing prosecution bombs at him. In response all the air time got sucked out of the challengers which produced a rally around Trump effect.

A lot of people in the Republican party were upset with Trump after the results of the 2022 midterms and DeSantis was on his way to seriously challenging him until the (D) prosecutions started. During January 2023 right until Alvin Braggs, DeSantis was within 7-8 points of Trump.

Trump was not going to be replaced by DeSantis because he is a black hole of charisma who looks like he is uncomfortable in his own skin. He doesn’t exude leadership or confidence, he projects petulance.




Trumpism doesn’t work without Trump. That’s why I could kiss these guys for insisting that we really humiliate him this time.

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All of them and if he loses it will be claimed that it wasn’t enough

Maybe not but definitely not after Alvin Braggs. It was 43-35 at one point as soon as the first court case hit that was it for the republican primary opponents all the airtime once again went to Trump.

Dims are going to double down on abortion to gather votes from the yutes.
Republicans need to showcase an utter debacle of illegal invasion, crime, the economy, energy, endless wars. You know everything the Dims have created, suck at and the American people are sick and tired of having to tolerate

And to think, New York only had to vote for Lee Zeldin as Gov.
No Bragg, he was getting fired. Zeldin wanted a DA that prosecuted criminals.
And no more sanctuary state. :rofl:

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Zero chance. He won’t be finished before the election. Libs don’t have the discipline not to constantly talk about it. I encourage them to do so since normal people are voting on current issues.

How sad.

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Not to voters. It doesn’t register anywhere as an issue. They have better things to worry about.

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It will get Trump zero new voters. Campaigning on stolen elections is an awful strategy. You’re his base. He doesn’t need to appease you. He needs new voters who don’t want to revisit what happened over three years ago. Focus on the top three or four issues. That’s what people want to hear.