The Twitter Files

That is a fair opinion. As I understand it he creates bots to mine the information. He also does it for Zuckerberg and others.

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And he is a kid. All kind of red flags imo.

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:rofl: If you only knew.

Tantrum over. On to the next drama dopamine hit tomorrow.

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Feels like we may need a few years of investigations on how social media is being twisted to cancel the Left via censoring reporters…

Or not.

Gosh the goalposts move quite often with crit progs.

Here we have the poster saying platforms have rules and bans are part of the platform.


I guess its (d)ifferent.

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Can you figure out what the (D)ifference is?)

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One involves partisan hacks and the other is president of the us.

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Nope. Want another try, or should I just tell you?

Its obvious the amount of hypocrisy among crit progs. Especially when it involves trump and tds.

Nope. I’ll just tell you.

It’s that Musk (that noted warrior of free speech) railed against this kind of thing, and said that he would do it differently. And yet there he was. Shutting down accounts

So platforms dont have rules now? I mean i am just quoting one of your crit prog bros. Doxxing no big deal for the wokeys?

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That’s the point: Musk said he would do it differently. Instead he’s just careening from day to day banning (and then reinstating) people.

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Quite the reach there stretch. Doxxing is serious. And as your girlfriend pointed out platforms have rules especially for security which this was, not freedom of speech which musk eludes to. I just added his quote to note crit progs hypocrisy.

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I am on record, in this very thread condemning doxing.

Musk ( the free speech warrior), is on record saying that he is a ‘free speech absolutist’ and has previously claimed that he is ‘against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask the government to pass laws to that effect’.

And, it is not illegal to know and post tail numbers. It’s just not. Moreover, those reporters weren’t doxxing him, but they were critical of him.

These reporters didn’t break the rules that you keep honking about, Elon Musk arbitrarily changed the rules, and then banned the reporters.

And this is the kind of thing that Musk and you complained about.

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It wasn’t public information, he had a PIA and the journalists he banned did dox him by linking to the tracker.


they didn’t because the tracker account was suspended.

You free speech warrior you

Suspended on twitter but just moved to mastodon and was still up on facebook, they linked to those, not his suspended twitter account.

all six didn’t do that. You just made that up. And you are still rationalizing after so many posts about free speech and censorship

This was never about censorship or fascism for you.

They all either did that or explained how to do it. And I have no problem with doxxing not being allowed. It does show Musk isn’t a free speech absolutist though. But we already knew that when he declined to reinstate Alex Jones.

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