The Sunday Times (UK) "Russia will strike West if rockets hit us" Putin ally

Well it’s been said numerous times as a warning. For whatever reasons it wasn’t enough to arm the Ukraine as in the beginning just keeps escalating to were the only thing of threat Russia has is oil and hypersonic missiles with nukes. There conventional army is a joke but there seems to be bipartisan consensus on seeing just how far it can be pushed.

I wouldn’t want to take that gamble. When Russia is talking about striking the west they obviously aren’t referring to tanks rolling into Poland they can’t even do that in the Ukraine they are talking nuclear weapons.

Again where is the statemen in the west to stand up and negotiate a peace? I know if the tables were reversed Ukraine would not sacrifice themselves and their children for the U.S.

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:man_facepalming: Is it to much to ask for the US to sit just one of these wars out? There were a few smart military and political analysts when Russia got bogged down around Kiev and were talking about providing Putin with a off ramp so things wouldn’t escalate.

Those people have since been replaced with the kind of people who are basically saying “Kick that snake again Earl it ain’t gonna bite ya”.

Maybe this one would have been good to have sat out, the price of gas is hurting people a nuclear winter isn’t going to help improve their situation any.

Russian Ruble got saved because Putin jacked his interest rates sky high.

That’s the way sanctions work.

Putin is not going to strike targets outside of Ukraine. If he does then he has decided to go to war with the rest of Europe and Nato.

My own opinion is that Putin has been genuninely shocked at how Ukraine has gone which MAY have tempered his own long term plans

Russia has been cutting interest rates because the ruble is getting too strong and deflation is becoming an issue.

Meanwhile inflation is reaching 40-year highs in western Europe. Take that Putin!

Who needs the petrodollar anyway.

One lesson here is that producing energy is a form of economic strength.

Produce enough and you can rape and kill your neighbor with just some bad press and a few lost clients.

The light bulb should be flickering ON for other nations sitting on untapped energy. It is security.

You could be right but you don’t know that there has been many suicidal leaders that have made crazy decisions throughout history. Just now they have world altering weapons. We are used to dealing with Iraq, Afghanistan, and insurgencies not a country with a madman at the helm with 9000 nuclear weapons which we are poking a stick at.

I hate the man but he seems to be fairly consistent on doing something he says he is going to do.

Well there went apologists arguments about the ruble. I like it when you counter baloney with facts. Russia is not suffering like lame stream media and NATO apologists want to promote. Thank you Bill +10

Inflation is still at 12% for the year for Russia and it’s economy is still shrinking even with alternative customers for its oil.

Yes the global economy is getting rocked, but Russia’s economy isnt getting stronger.

What is the inflation rate here in the US of B (Biden)

I said our economy is getting rocked too, but the poster to whom you were responding didn’t “blow everybody out of the water”. Far from it.

Russia’s economy is in very bad shape. The sanctions have hurt…badly.

You never answered the question. So typical is your response. What is the inflation rate in the US of B (Bumbling Biden?)

Maybe there is some impact of the sanctions. But maybe not as much as you think.

I did answer the question…before you asked it.

We were examine Bill’s claims, not mine.

And they are lacking.

Russia is hurting.

The sanctions obviously aren’t working in that Russia feels the need to stop its war.

But they are hurting Russia pretty badly. The ruble is not “strong” nor is Russi’s economy healthy.

Wait until the demise of the petro dollar.

Russia saved the ruble and beat inflation by using econ 101.
They raised interest rates. . . . very high.,sanctions%20triggering%20a%20financial%20crisis.

no, the toothless sanctions have done little. let me know when they put tier three sanctions on russian gas and oil.

Only recipe for inflation, interest rates higher then inflation rate and tax cuts to make up for the pain of high interest rates, and cutting government spending to match tax cuts.