The Squad on the Prod

Predicting eh.

Is she living in Obama’s head rent free?

It’s not “the woman”. It’s justice democrats. She’s not alone. AOC is the face.

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Stay on topic please

“Given a platform”.

Yeah, and?

She doesn’t have a platform?

Obama is already calling for biden to give them a place.

Yep… he is. Commissar idiot AOC and her merry band of hateful mini-commissars.

In the government.

AOC selling Green New Deal and Tax the Rich sweatshirts? For $60+ a pop?

I didn’t think she was a fan of this capitalist system. And she wants rich people to buy her things? I’m very confused.


Maybe it comes with a dance?

Democrats are in a hell of a mess in the age of identity politics and every group wanting to be the highest members on the oppression pyramid.

To his advantage though he can just give a blank stare and say something about his leg hairs and the media will cover for him.


They can’t be ignored at least a third of the Democratic Party are far left, one just has to look at the amount of votes Sanders got in the 2016 and 2020 primaries.

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I’d pay for that.

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Cover for him and report on what flavor ice cream his family is eating. :roll_eyes:

You know…those “tough” questions.

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How long until Pelosi has enemies at her gate?

You’ll be paying regardless… as most of the people who produce will… if she has anything to say about it.

No criticism allowed!!!

“The answer is we need to shift power,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “We need to make sure that we have a transition of power in the Democratic Party.”

Straight out of Franklin School. Love it.