The spreading of covid-19, Illegal immigration, and “harboring” being a criminal offense

What a gross assumption you make…

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This is why there can’t be an honest conversation about this issue.

We might as well be talking about the Irish and Italians in the late 1800’s.

Some things never change I guess.

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Oh stop with the clap trap distortions.

Why point to the immigration period when the Irish and Italians immigrated into the United States in great numbers, and compare that time period to the swarm of “foreigners” now flooding into the United States from Central America. The comparison is apples to oranges!

During that time period the Irish and Italians immigrating to the United States and passed the Statute of Liberty on their way to Elis Island, were not granted entry into the United States for a number of reasons. One reason to be rejected was the likelihood of becoming a ward of the state and a “public charge”, and on this ground alone some were refused entry!

"Unescorted women and children were also detained until their safety was assured through the arrival of a telegram, letter, or a pre-paid ticket from a waiting relative. Immigration officials refused to send single women into the streets alone, nor could they leave with a man not related to them. LINK

The law also required a medical inspection of all immigrants, and if an inspection officer detected an applicant with a disease, especially contagious diseases (TB, venereal disease, etc.) and even mental illness, they were rejected.

So, the remaining question is: how does filling the United States with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of Central America promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, and especially so when American Citizens pay federal taxes so our federal government will “repel invasions” and promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?

Why are these constitutionally commanded protections not being afforded to the taxpaying Citizens of the United States by the Biden Administration?


“If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?”___ Justice Story

What is wild is how it took about century to romanticize all of this and forget all of the terrible stuff.

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If he is so worried about the spread of Covid was is he forbidding companies from requiring vaccinations and schools from requiring masks?

Maybe he actually cares about the children and their health by not requiring them to wear masks?

Children Should Not Be Forced To Wear Masks Due To CO2 Levels, New Study Suggests (

That study was retracted.

People shouldn’t reference it anymore.



So, you talk about having an honest conversation about the issue, and when someone attempts to oblige you and have that “honest conversation”, you deflect, obfuscate and continue to avoid answering fundamental questions:

How does filling the United States with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of Central America promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, and especially so when American Citizens pay federal taxes so our federal government will “repel invasions” and promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?

Why are these constitutionally commanded protections not being afforded to the taxpaying Citizens of the United States by the Biden Administration?


“If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?”___ Justice Story

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This is why we can’t have an honest conversation.

Well then, let me rephrase the question. Is it in the best interests of the United States and her citizens to invite the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of Central America, into the United States, and especially so when American Citizens pay federal taxes so our federal government will “repel invasions” and promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?

Why are these constitutionally commanded protections not being afforded to the taxpaying Citizens of the United States by the Biden Administration?


“If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?”___ Justice Story

Still just not getting it.

Explain what you mean, so I will “get it”.


Take out the dehumanizing elements.

Also… it isn’t an invasion.

You are confusing identifiable characteristics as being dehumanizing. Are you suggesting our country should not set standards by which we invite foreigners to enter our country?

Additionally, when millions of foreigners flood across our border, the word “invasion” is very appropriate. Do you have a more accurate way to phrase this?


Still not getting it.

Remove the weasel words.


So, you really are not here to have that “honest conversation”. Are you?


Without a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalism [our MSM], and activist traitorous judges and Justices, the crisis at our southern border would never have grown to what now amounts to an outright invasion and threatens the general welfare of the United States.

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I am not going to argue the humanity of people.

When that is dropped. We can talk.

I think you need to look up the word “humanity”. Your use of the word, as you use it, makes no sense in this conversation.

Aside from that, it now appears crystal clear that you are not here to have that “honest conversation” about immigration, because you refuse to include in the conversation rules and standards which must be met by those who we invite into our country, and characteristics under which rejections will be made.


When it comes to healthcare, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens

Take from it what you will.

I am not arguing from the starting position that migrants are lesser.


Show some data on your stereotypical claims

Prove they are all low skilled… all diseased… all poorly educated.