The Speeches Are Done, What Next?

Your right it is simple, open the government and stop holding federal employees paychecks hostage.

Then address real border security and the reasons illegals come here (jobs) over a “Mission Accomplished” wall to stroke an ego.


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My rights have been ignored, my taxes misappropriated to pay for expenses that are not to assist US citizens while our national debt is growing exponentially that is being placed on the backs of babies that haven’t even been born yet and it’s been going on for over 3 decades. I’d label it taxation…without representation and I’m done…build the wall.

Trump should give in because

A) Most Americans don’t want the wall. Chart: Most Americans Don't Want the Border Wall | Statista
B) Most of the drug and sex trafficking do not come across the border, but instead come in through our ports of entry.
C) Most border agents think there are far more important things than the wall.

You’ve been lied to.


I drank some water last night…build the wall.

This is the thread where we just say random things followed by “…build the wall” isn’t it?

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Have you looked at how the vast majority of illegal immigrants are getting here?? It isn’t by sneaking across the border.

You’ve been lied to.

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…and yet another fixable problem that needs to be immeditely addressed…instead of a can that’s been kicked down the road for over 3 corrupt decades.

I agree…so instead of debating over a stupid waste of money wall (that is never going to get built), why not allocate the funds to doing something that will actually be useful?

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The border is more secure now than it ever has been.

There is no crisis. You’ve been sold a story.

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It’s the new amiright. Amiright?

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The speeches are done, it’s time to open the government. People are hurting because of this stunt.


10 Nopes

Well we can agree that tax dollars being taken and tranferred to foreign countries and Trump’s tax cut that added a TRILLION dollars to the national debt are a bad thing.

The claim that it is “taxation without representation” is of course false hypberbole as you can vote (I assume you are a US Citizen with the right to vote).

You are free to have your opinion, I disagree. No funding for a Trump photo op for “Mission Accomplished”. I on the other hand support meaningful actions that address the problems:

  1. Strengthen E-verify and make it mandatory, and make it grounds for denying employment (which it currently isn’t).
  2. Then hold employers responsible for using E-verify to take away the jobs that the come to fill.
  3. Provide a guest worker program that works for industries that need them with employers paying a bond for those they bring in.
  4. Improved walls where they make sense (and no a 2000 mile wall across the entire border doesn’t make sense).
  5. Improved security at ports of entry, you know the place where most drugs actually cross the border.
  6. Expanded staffing for CBP and ICE so they they can actually go after those that overstay visas (how most illegals enter the country.
  7. Stop illegals from using public services like welfare, housing, public schools (including college).
  8. Address birthright citizenship so that you have to be here legally to benefit from jos soli.



…build the wall.

Walls are cool…

[quote=“Smyrna, post:63, topic:107000”]
My rights have been ignored, my taxes misappropriated to pay for expenses that are not to assist US citizens while our national debt is growing exponentially that is being placed on the backs of babies that haven’t even been born yet and it’s been going on for over 3 decades. I’d label it taxation…without representation and I’m done…
[/quote]Please identify, with examples and evidence, which of your rights you feel have been violated.

Wow! The wall will solve all that?!?!?!?!?

Well why didn’t you say so at the beginning?

This reminds me of the time Jack Kemp told us a big tax cut would solve all our problems and make us more moral human beings at the same time!

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These are all hard and require leadership… No catchy slogans…

PS I agree on every one of these… REAL solutions, not slogans…


10 more nopes.

The agreement was made in 1986 and not adhered to. Enforce the laws that are already on the books. The lack of this not being done has brought us to where “we” find ourselves today…at the end of many, many who have been patient…being…patient.

Where we are today?

You mean…with illegal border crossings at historical lows?

That place?