The solid South

Take them all down, I don’t really think as many people care as being portrayed at the same time it’s just an empty platitude that’s getting absolutely nothing accomplished. It’s not gonna do anything about racial inequality or class inequality.

In my honest opinion a big opportunity has been missed here to go after the real enemies which is government (All Sides), their lobbyists, and the corporations who are in-sourcing and outsourcing American jobs.

I would imagine the politicians and big businesses love that the plebes <—- that’s us, are arguing over old statues and police issues that effected 19 people rather than all demanding universal healthcare and stopping
companies from stripping away Americans jobs.

I understand that is what you believe.

The karmic punishment of the law of cause and effect can’t be dished out by Genghis Khans, without those Genghis Khans, creating karma themselves. Depends what they were fighting and killing for, in a much longer view of time. It’s a revolving door.

Imagine a closed system of morons committed to Mutual Murder. “Mutual Murder” is a definition of the life state of Animality.

An eat-to-survive reality, a prison-house. materiality illusion, where beings are slaves to their own greed, anger and stupidity. (3 poisons)

This is not to say that armies of goodness, cannot defeat the armies of darkness.

I actually agree.

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Let those who live there…decide. I see nothing wrong with the display of our history…whether good or bad? If you live there and do not like it, start a movement to have them removed and placed elsewhere by those willing to cut the check…if anyone…after it’s been decided civilly?

I am so glad that I don’t see this craziness in my town. The races seem to have more in common than not where I live.

That’s kind of been the trend so far.

But if the ‘armies of goodness’ cannot resist the armies of darkness, then karma is the necessary implication. It’s a very convenient way of explaining ■■■■■■ up ■■■■■ a hand wave almost.

Also, it absolutely can be dished out by Genghis, as evidenced by his success.

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My point is, I very strongly disagree with anyone…believing that their ■■■■ doesn’t stink enough that they alone…get to decide…to just rip it down.

Out of curiosity, what school of Buddhism do you follow?

As for your thought on Genghis Khan carrying out karmic punishment, why couldn’t he?

Going back to this point. If you were once a slaver, and became a slave in the next life. Then the slavers are carrying out karmic “justice”, no? If the slavers are dishing it out to the slaves, then why couldn’t the Gengis Khans dish out karmic punishment?

This view on karma, would just create a vicious cycle without end. And honestly, like AngraMainyu says, it’s a very hand wavy way of explaining/viewing the world. An entire people get subjugated, or exterminated, and the karmic view, is that those people must have done something bad in their past lives?

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No. It’s not just about “explaining”.

And hundreds of years later, Genghis is an archetype of totalitarian invasion and so were his off-spring. Kublai Khan 500 Mongol Ships were destroyed by the Kami-Kaze winds in the Bay, when a Buddhist priest prayed to protect the country.

Families have karma too. So does a land.

Buddhism, as is the teachings of Jesus, is not about using your own degree of intellect “to figure it out.” You practice to realize your own faith, Buddha nature and a higher kind of wisdom.
This might help you understand. Buddhism is the Middle Way, the “narrow path.”

"To put this simply, if one strikes at the air, his fist will not hurt, but when he hits a rock, he feels pain. The sin of killing an evil person is minor, compared to the sin of killing a good person, which is grave. If one kills someone who is not his kin, it is like striking mud with his fist, but if he kills his own parents, it is like hitting a rock.

A dog may bark at a deer and not have its skull broken, but if it barks at a lion, its intestines will rot. The Ashura tried to swallow the sun and the moon and had his head split into seven pieces. Because Devadatta harmed the Buddha, the earth split open and swallowed him alive. The seriousness of a sin depends on whom one harms.

The Lotus Sutra is the eye of every Buddha. It is the eternal master of Shakyamuni himself. If one discards one character or even a single dot, his sin is graver than that of one who kills his parents ten million times over, or even of one who sheds the blood of Buddhas everywhere in the universe. This is why those who forsook the Lotus Sutra had to suffer for as long as sanzen-jintengo or gohyaku-jintengo . Moreover, it is extremely difficult to meet a person who teaches this sutra exactly as it reads. It is even more difficult than for a one-eyed turtle to find a piece of floating sandalwood or for someone to dangle Mount Sumeru from the sky with a fiber from a lotus stem.". --Nichiren 13th century.

If you have other questions go to the religion forum and study my Thread about Mahayana Buddhism. It’s getting too off topic now.

I agree. It is not their place to decide for everyone.