The socialist Democrat Party Leadership’s hypocrisy on buying an election

It is absolutely mind blowing to hear the socialist Democrat Party Leadership, like Bernie Sanders for example, telling other socialists running for office, i.e., Michael Bloomberg “Sorry, you ain’t gonna buy this election.”

Perhaps I have misunderstood Bernie the Socialist, but I believe he is attempting to buy the election with free college tuition, forgive student loan debt, give free healthcare to illegal entrants, and let us not forget he wants to buy the votes of 40 million workers with a guarantee of a $15 an hour wage.

So, instead of Bernie, and his wet behind the ears, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, complaining about someone “buying and election” with their own money, Bernie and his sidekick plan to buy the election by offering free government cheese which inevitably will be financed by none other than America’s hard working wage earners.

Amazing. Simply amazing when one considers the the same “rope-a-dope” con game is offered by every communist/socialist running on the Democrat Party ticket.

Socialist democrats running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do gain political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted created dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.


The unavoidable truth is, the Bernie Sander’s, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s and Elizabeth Warren’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

And here we have socialist/communist Bernie Sanders, who wants to buy the election with government cheese, complaining about Michael Bloomberg wanting to buy the election with his own money.


When it comes to healthcare, our democrat candidates running for office have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to help the needy.