I just heard a J’Biden “advisor” by the name of Mitch Lander? Claim: “the state of the union is strong” and “Joe Biden created 12.5 million jobs in two years” and “there are 10,000 infrastructure projects planned funded by the bi-partisan Bill”!
Obviously a preview of Ol Folksy Joe’s hopes, lies and bull ■■■■ speech before Congress tonight. But, where and what are these millions of jobs and these thousands of “projects”?
I get the billions of dollars of taxpayers money being spent, like Covid relief, a good percentage of it will be lost to waste, fraud and abuse.
Joey’s speech or blabber? There will be no mention of the open southern border, 5 million illegal invaders, the ChiCom fentanyl killing efforts, a crime explosion, or the recent ChiCom spy balloon that floated across America that was only made public when citizens in Montana reported it to NORAD.
Any bets?
Key Takeaways. Core inflation is the change in the costs of goods and services but does not include those from the food and energy sectors. Food and energy prices are exempt from this calculation because their prices can be too volatile or fluctuate wildly.
If government was run as intended chances are we would not be where we are now. But with the con artists, flim flam bamboozlers, and self enriching liars and thieves that get themselves elected beholden to their special interests?
Here we are.
Correction. J’Biden will mention the ChiCom spy balloon. He’ll cozy to the microphone and do the creepy whisper thing: “we shot it down”
Then all the Dimbulbcrats will stand, applaud and Joey will move on to the next tall tale.