The September 10th ABC Debate

It is crucial this time because otherwise Commie-ala will never answer any questions of any kind.

The folks who only watch dnc news will never know anything about Commie-ala’s socialistic plans and horrible record otherwise.

Hiding in the open and the press covering for her.

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He debates quite well actually.

Your halarious, you understand that proves how bad they are. It was a great city. Then people like that got elected now it is a ■■■■ hole.


She’s not smart. But she doesn’t have to be smart to beat Trump in a debate. Just ferocious.

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Al would vote for a Post Turtle if it had a D on it.

That he would fully support Commie-ala just proves it.

You’re smarter than Kanala Harris.

There are no “winners” in these debates.

She just has to be:

  1. “Black”
  2. Female
  3. Not Trump

I was largely talking about for myself.

And…. On their watch….
Nice try

“Winners” in a debate are the ones that can communicate the best information for others to understand.
Hopes, lies and bull ■■■■ don’t get it.

What’s your basis for that?

Come on you’ve heard how she talks. I’m not calling her stupid. But she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed by politician standards.

For example, she’s smarter than Trump.

Yes. What’s wrong with it?

Come on man!

I will. She’s stupid.

San Francisco DA
California AG
California Senator
US Vice President
DEM Nominee for US President

But she is stupid.


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Yes, she’s as dumb as a box of rocks.

Are you under the delusion that being elected to public office is an indicator of intelligence?

It’s not.

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I won’t bother explaining it to you.