The Senate Should End Nomination Hearings for Current Session

For today’s situation at the Kavanaugh hearing, yes.

Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t. “Stolen pick”, etc. Opinion.

Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed. Now the Court is going to have a Justice from Texas.

Stop waffling. You’re acting like a lib.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

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It wasn’t the stupid side.


Kavanaugh was born in D.C., raised in Maryland. Worked for the 3rd Circuit Court (east coast), Ken Starr investigation, and DC Circuit Court.

Kavanuagh (and I don’t have anything against him) is the consummate DC insider.


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His wife is from Abilene. UT grad.

Was it the angry old man side?

Who am I kidding, that’s every side

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His wife being from Texas doesn’t mean “Court is going to have a Justice from Texas.”


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You don’t know Texas girls.

“We are the Justice”

Yes they are. I simply used a common term so we both had a frame of reference. You can label it however you want.

McConnell refused to give Obama’s nominee a hearing and up/down vote. Escalation.

Biden did not refuse a potential Bush nominee a hearing and up/down vote. Not escalation.

denial won’t change the facts. precedent was established long ago, and followed almost unanimously through our history. denying that fact won’t change it.

I didn’t waffle. You asked a question, and I answered the question directly. In what world can that be considered waffling?

No, it wasn’t.

scotus has no constitutional authority to interfere with the rules of the senate

Its not a fact.

denial changes nothing, especially history.

The first scotus vacancy opened in the final year of a presidency with a senate majority of the opposing party was in 1828. there was no vote. they did not hold hearings then.

every similar vacancy save one (and one elevation which does not fit the precedent) got the same treatment

When did “senate majority of the opposing party” become part of this precedent?

in 1828