The Russia Investigation Is An Organized Coup

you mean like bringing charges against him and accepting a plea deal to get him to flip on the other, more important party?

You arenā€™t listening.Thereā€™s nothing incriminating on them or the totally democrat group of prosecutors would be all over it now.

what the actual ā– ā– ā– ā–  do you think is happening right now?

Poly want a cracker? This will not end well for you.

The truth is coming out is what is happening. When it does, a lot of democrats will be exposed.

Maybe one or two, as Iā€™ve heard Mueller might be looking into a Podesta, but yeah otherwise weā€™re up to whatā€¦8 pleas and convictions along with the other three dozen indictments? More witches than Salem.

I think Mueller will be in legal trouble. Et tu most of the ex-officials of the Obama administration involved in this Coup.

Do you check under your bed for monsters every night?

I always wondered how people could get so worked up that they would threaten to murder people at the Boston Globe. Now Iā€™m beginning to understand that it starts with being completely divorced from reality.

Heā€™s too busy looking for OJs real killer.

You had exactly that opportunity. You want it again?

Taken straight from the art of the deal. Thar, my friends, is how you negotiate.

How long is he going to jail for? Ever?

Trust the plan my trump brethren, donā€™t argue with these normies anymore. They will swallow the red pill soon enough.

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That would be crazy.

Yes I do for youā€¦

Could be over a hundred year sentence. He wouldnā€™t be in trouble if he had no association with Trump. This is a political prosecution, years ago the IRS & others looked into him & decided to leave him be. Now they go after him because he supported Trump.

When has a socialist ever been in charge. Are you so stupid you think Dem currently in power are socialists? The dems who atm are feeding at the feed bucket of capitalism and ranking in millions from rich donors? How Fin stupid can one be to think this. Clinton is to the right of Reagan on all economic issues. At least Reagan went after corporations for not paying an taxes. Today idiot who think like you that Dem are socialists is why country is so far gone you think NYC liberal like Trump is some conservative god.

We heard em.


Shameless bumping your own thread after itā€™s been dead for 11 days. :face_vomiting:

Thatā€™s whatā€™s crazy.