The 'Rona Truth in One Thread

They approved this crap for toddlers now, despite the Pfizer trial having more kids get omicron that got the jab than the placebo group.

fauci do told




I’ve only taken one shot. The J&J.

is it me, or does fauci look like he just smoked a blunt?

Pretty much. :smile:


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They beat this guy up pretty good in Australia.


Congress gave them $10B

of which likely less than 5% will actually be spent on anything related to covid


And I think we overplayed the vaccines.

giphy (1)

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That’s good news. Now there’ll be additional capacity to house illegals shipped to her city.

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I wonder how you prove you are gay to get into the gay shelter?



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Lying sack of rats. He very much did call for lockdowns. This is where the history gets changed to we never called for lockdowns, we never forced you to take a vaccine or lose your job, you made that choice yourself, etc. etc.

“I recommended to the president that we shut the country down,” Fauci had said, citing “community spread” that had not yet “exploded.”

“That was a difficult decision because I knew it would have serious economic consequences, which it did,” he said, adding that the lockdowns didn’t mitigate the spread of COVID because they supposedly weren’t harsh enough.

“When it became clear that we had community spread in the country, with a few cases of community spread — this was way before there was a major explosion like we saw in the Northeastern corridor driven by New York City metropolitan area — I recommended to the president that we shut the country down,” Fauci told students at his alma mater when asked about the most crucial decision he’d made.

“Any state that is having a serious problem, that state should seriously look at shutting down,” Fauci said without singling any state out because, according to Fauci, “[i]t’s not for me to say because each state is different,” according to CNBC.

“Mayor Bill de Blasio made the momentous decision to keep New York City’s 1,800 public schools closed through the end of June. He told just a select few, including Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, who gave his blessing,” reported The New York Times.

“I have been in discussion with the health authorities from the state of California who called me and asked, you know, they said ‘We feel we need to do this — what do you think?’ and I said, you know you really don’t have any choice,” Fauci explained on CNN of the lockdown orders that he said “absolutely” made sense to him.


they’re now openly lying to our faces knowing their is nothing we can do about it…media will protect them at any cost.


There’re people right now at my job getting tested every week or they get put on unpaid leave.

Really blatant…He thinks he is untouchable.

Probably is.


He knows the media will remain silent and not question what he says. There will be no push back on his blatant lies.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: An epidemic of monkeypox has appeared right on schedule, just a coincidence?