The Republican Party's Confusion on Trade

Cost. Mostly labor.

We arenā€™t so much asking to import it, as other countries are asking us to allow it to be brought in.

A good example would be the auto makers. Drop back to the late 70ā€™s and follow the progression of foreign automakers vs domestic into the present.
I wonā€™t go into the minute details, suffice to say Detroit is still trying to recover from that little kerfuffle

But we already produce them hereā€¦ if we canā€™t produce enoughā€¦ then we go out to get those goods. No producing enough means we cannot meet demand.

The point is the same amount of government involvement exists in either case.
So as long as there is going to be involvement, why not do it right?

Oh horse ā– ā– ā– ā–  and you know it.

Because the government canā€™t do it right

Because private sector

Because free market.

These arenā€™t absurd positions. These are actual conservative positions. So step 1 need to admit that the government does have a role in the markets. After that need to delineate how much role. At that second step the game is seesaw becomes insane.

I have not seen these conservative positions. Maybe more like libertarian positions. But there are clearly people of very different positions who consider themselves conservatives. Same for liberals.

It is not inconsistent to believe there should be less regulation in some areas of commerce, but believe that the government should have some involvement in international trade. It is stretching it to see that as inconsistent.

Do you understand supply and demand?

Thatā€™s why we have Countervailing and Anti Dumping Duties.

Governmentā€¦get your butt out of American business. If, in the natural course of trade, there is a negative balance, then government intervention may be needed to balance the trade so that the imbalance, is not at the expense of American workers?

Do you understand demand for cheap goods and $15 an hour minimum wage?

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ā€¦or that goods can be produced much more inexpensive, when the pollution necessary to produce this good, isnā€™t equated into the cost of productionā€¦cuz the country itā€™s being produced inā€¦doesnā€™t give a ā– ā– ā– ā–  ā€¦like in China vs the US?

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Correct, and they go hand in hand with fair trade, trade agreements, and favored nation status agreements. All designed to provide a balance between domestic production/exports and imports.