The puppet masters are trying to fool the Bernie kids into voting for them

So you’re admitting that democrats is officially a commie party…just with acceptable terms like China communist?


All the memes in the world can’t help Trump now.

Leave it to you to miss the point.

(Actually I know you didn’t…)

The consensus seems to be : Remove Trump. Stop the hemorrhaging. Fight about ■■■■ in 2022.


They’re not puppet masters, they’re the DEEP state!

That’s probably the funniest part of this campaign season. Republicans are trying harder to get Biden elected than democrats.

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Imagine if you spent ten years building a media messaging machine that absolutely decimated the other side at every level of government. You’d probably know all the little chinks in its armor.

And those Lincoln Project guys are going ham. They’re going after the senators too.

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Man I can’t wait to get back to arguing about the marginal tax rate.


If they got to Scalia they can get to anyone!

But TDS is not fear. lol

Yeah it got deep with that claim.

Never Trumpers from the get go. They are in that 5 percent gop disapproval of Trump. :roll_eyes:

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Lol what an idiot.

I had hopes for the internet but it’s full of idiots.

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And who was that who seriously said Trump should go for a 3rd term?

I feel 4 years younger. All this excitement about defeating Trump makes me feel like it’s 2016. Whoohoo. Keep it up. I want that tingle up my leg on Election night again.

im trying my best.

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Democrats have acquired the advantage that Trump enjoyed in 2016 - people have a bright, unwavering disgust for their opposition’s candidate.

Because whomever the DNC chooses for Bidens running mate will become the president shortly after the election due to Biden being declared incompetent/dementia/etc. In effect, Biden is the perfect “Manchurian Candidate”. This is why Biden and the DNC cannot win the 2020 Presidential Election.