The Price of ... GAS

Yes, but the pipeline would have increased capacity. What about “more” are you not understanding?

I’ll concede. It would have added less than 1% to the global market. Maybe

My mistake.

It’s $4.39/gallon for 87 octane here. It went up 20 cents just yesterday.


…by doing stupid ■■■■■■■ things that DIRECTLY affect it…you know…like stopping exploration and drilling and the contruction of pipelines and credits for the competition of gas or sending our reserves out of the country. You know…l’il things like that there are in his power and he did.


Don’t need any, the public will blame the people in charge without me giving them a reason why they should and that works for me.

No, it DOESN’T need to die. Canceling the Keystone sent a giant red flag to everyone that the new administration wasn’t interested in moving forward with new oil and gas developments. This isn’t about a single drop of oil, it’s about INTENT.

As far as a specific policy, how about the number of BSEE requirements that were added, making it more difficult to comply with and ultimately meaning it was going to be harder to drill. We aren’t developing a lot of new resources which means instead of cheap reliable oil from the US, the world is again going to be at the mercy of Saudi and Russia. That gets people to trying to secure oil supplies further and further out and drives up the cost. It’s basic supply and demand. When the world believes that supply will be restricted, they’re going to rush out to try to secure their supply immediately.


Why does nobody mention the underlying cause of this problem, Khashoggi. That’s why the Saudi won’t bail joe out of his high gas price problems.


Two years in too.

Even if you don’t do much or can’t do much - have a clear plan, outline it, sell it to the American people

Nope. Putin!

Oil prices are the lead. Gas prices follow. Think of it like this: Say I buy a piece of wood for $100 and with modifications, I usually sell it for ~$200. If the cost of that wood goes to $200, I’ll need about $300. So I go out and buy that $200 piece of wood … the price of my offering isn’t going down until I get rid of the supply that cost me $200. I can’t drop the price until supply chain catches up.

It’s like a bumper sticker came to life.

Here are the lowest gas prices in a town in the Bay area. Most of the prices are well above $6/gallon.

The US has banned imports of Russian oil. Instead we are exporting oil and refined products to Europe to make up for their sanctions against Russia.

In unrelated news, the US economy is “unexpectedly” shrinking.

Meanwhile the Russian economy continues to grow. Take that Putin!

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Even with gas prices this high, I only spend about 50 bucks a week to go to work. But it does have a huge impact on travel. That’s pretty much nonexistent with us now. I’m not what you would remotely consider poor. Just the opposite. I’m just not looking to throw money away on gas.

I would imagine this would have some impact on the economy. Already I am noticing a sharp drop from last year with vehicles coming through my lane as I collect tolls. Of course this may not be due to gas prices. It’s just my guess.

Honda Civics and Toyota Corollas are worth their weight in gold right now.

Yes, my old Prius certainly has been a good investment.

People who are living pay check to pay check and commuting in an old gas guzzler are in big trouble.


$6 per gallon you say! :thinking:


A turd of a car is bringing it’s weight in gold right now.


We are at 4.69 and climbing…

Pennsylvania…birth place of oil well.


It wasn’t our oil. It was Canada oil. No guarantee the US would have seen a drop of oil from it.

It might have added less than 1% to the global supply of oil.

You mean US oil companies are choosing not to invest, right? They do have shareholders to answer to, not “Joe Non shareholder” in Texas.

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Oil wells developed in the Carpathian Mountains about the same time, but I doubt that American history books will mention that.

Why should they? Their efforts were duplicate and slightly behind.