The President attends the NBA Finals

That’s not fair - did Obama get locals mowing images of male genitalia into their farmlands? Pretty sweet display of affection there for Donald!

Idiot boy got this:

lol they should also show images of the size of Obama’s…Inauguration crowd.


I didn’t agree with him much politically, but he really seems like a great dude. Oh, how I miss having an adult in the White House, one that isn’t a petty, petulant child. One that could construct proper sentences.

One of the more humorous parts of the Trump debacle is seeing these so-called family values right-wingers defend Trump while still criticizing Obama. Like it’s still up for debate which one is closer to the family values measure they blathered on about for years.


Check out his profile.

They love him in Europe.

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Whilst I understand they were countries in Europe, it would be different if the ratings for North Korea, Russia and Saudi Arabia were also provided.

They are part of the collective.