The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language

They aren’t… They are not asking for new rights special rights or separate rights. They want the same rights to be afforded to them as anyone else…but they aren’t afforded them because they choose a different lifestyle. Get over yourself.

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Says who?

Homosexuality is not a choice, con!

I forgot…

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Well… check your priviledge.

It’s almost as if there was a term for that I just saw written here.

I think it was double… something

Already did…my bad

I’ll be watching you. It’s my right.

It’s your privilege…and don’t forget it…:grin:

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They weren’t far right Einstein.

BTW…The Russians under Soviet Union were ultra-nationalist. I know you want to characterize to conservatives…specially Trump supporters.

And you might want to read up on ultra nationalism in China…it seems today libs want to emulate them.

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We put those ideas down the memory hole because they are double plus ungood.


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Our rights are absolutely, positively, NOT “laid out for us” in the Bill of Rights.

To believe that’s what the Bill of Rights does is a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of the Bill of Rights, and the thinking of the people that crafted them.

Fingernails against the chalkboard to hear people who believe they are defending the Constitution betray a fundamental ignorance of what the Constitution is or what it says.


Well then… what does it do?

Crappy definition. Thank you for proving the point of my thread. Trying to associate Nationalism with Authoritarian rule is horse crap. Yes, the fascists WERE nationalists too, but they also drove automobiles too, yet automobiles are not “fascist.” They wore suits and ties too, yet those are not fascist either.

Nationalism is a GOOD thing, the opposite of globalism. I am a Nationalist, I put my nation first above others. Globalists create chaos like we see at the border - the no borders gang.strong text

Allow me to edit your definition: “Fascism is a form of authoritarian socialism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.”

There, thats more realistic. Now, who in America prevents one side from speaking on college campuses? Who in America destroys businesses and people who expresses support for traditional marriage or Trump? Who in America by use of Antifa engages in forcible suppression of opposition?

Ahhh… …the Party of Socialism, which is the ultimate control of Lives and Industry.

Volkswagens? I’m confused.

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Volkswagen in every pot.

It declares the government should not infringe on our rights that we already have inherently.

It also declares via the 9th Amendment, that any rights listed in the BoR should not be construed as an exhaustive list of rights that exist and guess what? The government may not violate those unwritten rights either.

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And a Hühnchen in every garage.

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