The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language

Today I learned that there are some who don’t think that white nationalism has anything to do with race.


You just described Trump to the letter. Good job to you and Mr. Orwell…for seeing this coming.



Who could have thought differently


but why take your word for it when we can hear it from the horses mouth…roll clip 212!


Should have read the FM troop.

this seems problematic.

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:rofl: ya think.

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Are you a fan of Rachel Maddow’s blog? Just asking

My advise to you Terri…read the forum rules and cut back on Nazi references.


Which one applies to the current president?

Next: Rights ., a word continually perverted today

Our rights are laid out in the Bill of Rights, and they are for every citizen. There are no LGBTQ rights or Womens’ Rights or Minority Rights. We all have the same rights.

And when that idiot Bernie Sanders says Healthcare is a Right he is totally destroying that word. What he really means is that he thinks government should PAY for healthcare. For him its about money, not rights.

Healthcare is a service that is sold. Saying that Healthcare is a right is not even good grammar.

So I see. Thats too bad because a studied analysis can be made of identical policies between the two parties, Democrats and You-Know-Whos

Hmmm…Women and Blacks had same rights as white men through out our history??

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Why not?

Are the rights in the Bill of Rights the only rights we have? I’m asking as a San Francisco lib who only knows a few words.


Wow…thanks for the lesson in civics. We ALL know this.

I didn’t.

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This is not a history lesson. This is the Here and Now. Woman should have had the same rights all along, but thats over with now. As for blacks, that is a complicated answer that deserves its own thread.

But I am talking about the Year 2019. Nobody is supposed to have their own set of rights. We are all supposed to have the same rights.

Are democrats going down a road to some sort of hybrid form of fascism…I would say yes. But lets leave Nazi’s equation with Nazi’s…otherwise you’re making the same mistake libs have made concerning racism, bigotry etc.

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If we all knew it then people would not be talking about LGBTQ rights or Womens’ Rights or Minority Rights now would they Mr. Helper

Nazi nazi nazi :sleeping:

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

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