The Political Compass - where do you stand?


I did think some of the questions were loaded - but I ended up about where I thought I would on the spectrum.

Since I last took this, I have drifted a little further to the left economically. Used to be closer to the line on that.

I can think of many reasons for that- most based on the particular economic questions they chose to ask.


This is my “results” answering with my Aussie perspective. Personally I found some of the questions difficult to answer as the real answer to some was ambivalent rather than agree or disagree. I will leave it to other posters to analyse my results for me. Feel free to be particularly frank; I can take it without any offence on my part. I am interested to see if anyone is surprised by my results. Thanks in anticipation.

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -5.75

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.79

personalised chart


For the internets to see.


From England with love

A fair number of the questions seemed oddly worded.

No one chooses his or her country of birth, so it’s foolish to be proud of it.

Ostensibly, this seems to be saying it’s foolish to be proud of one’s own country of birth, but I wondered whether it was intended to mean that it’s foolish to be proud of having been born in one’s country of birth.

Also, asking double negative questions can get some cultures to give the exact opposite answer to what they actually think, because they use double negatives in their language have a different meaning.

Looks like you would have great “love” for your new PM.

LOL Snap

Back in 08/09, I was down in the purple. Let’s see what I am 10 years later…

Not surprised, though I hated the wording of some of the questions.




Tribal politics suck.

The Democrats told me to be this way

I’m the only one here that aligns with our current president. The rest of you so-called Trump Supporters are posers.


About where I thought.

Though this thread has pointed out one huge irony…, the far right whacks that the liberals on this board like to tilt against don’t really exist, and the one poster that is viewed by both sides as fair and even keeled is actually the farthest to the right so far. @Safiel. Not intending that as a callout. More of a possible indication of a flaw in their questioning.

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strangely we seem to have the exact same political compass

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