The Onion buys Infowars

The new owner of The Onion has been bringing it back into relevance, like bringing back print editions. This time, he bought Infowars assets at the bankruptcy auction. The link is to his letter explaining his decision.

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The owner:

That is absolutely hilarious. A satire news site bought another satire news site that took itself way too seriously.


Speaking of Infowars…
I think what he said on air was despikable.
NO question about it.
BUT…I don’t understand why what he said, as despicable and evil as it is, WHY wasn’t that free speach.
If Kamala can name Trump a Fashist and live to tell about it why isn’t what he at the Infowars said ALSO free speach?
BOTH are baseless opinions, what is the difference?

Only in America… :clap: :dancer: :clap: :dancer:
Someone pays Millions to buy “AIR”. :rofl: :dancer:

People do it every day on the stock market.

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Learn the difference between ‘public figure’ and ‘private citizen’ and see why this is not allowed.

What is permissible to do to GW Bush you cannot do to an ordinary citizen.

How do you think Mark Cuban made his money? :rofl:

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Stop the presses. The court denied the deal because of shenanigans by the trustee and families. A hearing to be held next week.

This is getting interesting.

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I don’t know why they did this. Alex Jones is Infowars. Without him, it’s nothing.


Founded in 1999 on the heels of the Satanic “panic” and growing steadily ever since, InfoWars has distinguished itself as an invaluable tool for brainwashing and controlling the masses. With a shrewd mix of delusional paranoia and dubious anti-aging nutrition hacks, they strive to make life both scarier and longer for everyone, a commendable goal. They are a true unicorn, capable of simultaneously inspiring public support for billionaires and stoking outrage at an inept federal state that can assassinate JFK but can’t even put a man on the Moon.

defamation is not allowed under the first amendment.

its a civil offense.

both trump and jones learned the hard way.


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I don’t disagree, but there is attachment to the name brand in the sense that it was used for a long time.

I live the people who claim that government is incapable of doing anything right but is somehow capable of “engineering consent” in a country of 330 million.

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I’m more inclined to think that this violated his 1A rights.

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It was a default judgment entered in for a defamation case after the defense refused to do…something. Still feels like BS, but Jones also shouldn’t have played belligerent.

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Found a story as opposed to a Twitter post where I first saw it.

Well sure. But it means nothing. It’s like Judas Priest losing their lead singer. Game over. Everybody moved to where he went.

So does that mean that Trump can win a defamation suit against all who called him a Fashist?

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