The Official US National Debt Thread

That’s actually just a politician enriching himself by being a politician. Federal bankruptcy laws, that Trump took advantage of, are bailing him out.

He’s worse than a welfare queen.

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You do realize that thousands and businesses and thousands of people file bankruptcy every year right? It’s not a federal bail out. It’s a thing guaranteed in the constitution. That bankruptcy judges be appointed. Been going on a long long long time.

And just for kicks and giggles:

(Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4) authorizes Congress to enact “uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States.”

Wowsa . . . . unbelievable. The founders KNEW that Trump would come along and need a bailout so they put it in the constitution!

It doesn’t matter.

National debt has risen in every year you and I have been alive. It’s not an Obama thing. It’s not a Trump thing like libs want to make it.

It’s a national disease that every administration and every congress must be blamed for. And, for that matter, every voter who has voted this perpetual attitude of government into place over the generations.

And the next administration and congress will perpetuate it. And the next.

Hunker down. When the house of debt collapses, all the fingerpointing will be moot. It’s a nifty exercise today. A great way to blow off steam. A great way to poke the other guy in the eye. But when it collapses, you’d better be able to fend for yourself. The fan will spray the crap on everyone, and the fingerpointers won’t be laughing any more.

Imagine if each administration could do that.

Eventually the insanity will end.

Don’t count on Trump beating the last president though.

Something was going on in 2009…I can’t quite put my finger on it…someone help me out here…


Very perceptive of you to recognise that I don’t like Trump. Trump is a pathological liar. Trump articulates and behaves like a spoilt 7 year old. I think Trump is an embarrassment to the office of the President of the USA and is a laughing stock. I could go on but I am sure you get the gist of my opinion of Trump.

Your assertion that my extrapolation may not be accurate is nothing more than I have already unequivocally stated. He may not last 4 years let alone 8 years is one example of where I may be wrong.

The amount of effort you have taken thus far to respond to an hypothetical is quite stunning. But in some ways not surprising. You have a president who claims that a report exonerates him; yet he won’t support the release of that report to House of Reps committee. He doesn’t want the author of the report to appear before the House of Reps committee; a report that supposedly exonerates him. He won’t release his tax returns.

All actions that appear to be contrary to the desire to provide proof that he is not guilty of any inappropriate actions.


I clearly stated that I was extrapolating what Trump’s debt would be.

My point specifically was that during the Obama presidency the national debt was a first order concern and consistently referred to by Fox News presenters… Very similar to the constant references to the number of times that Obama played golf in the same period. During Trump’s presidency neither the national debt nor golf appearances appear to be a priority on Fox News.

Does it start with a G? Maybe with a C and an F as well?

Holy crap you all are trying to defend trump and this big ass national debt… Where was all this explaining from 2008-2016?

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Another huge flip flop for the tea party patriots.

Or like I accurately call them, republicans.


Cool point. It’s been raised 1000 times on this board.

Your point is an example of the finger pointing I mentioned. Raise it 1000 times. The debt continues to grow, and this latest reply (plus a ton of others in the thread) tells me your concern is to be sure the finger pointing continues.

For the record, your observation IS correct. Now what?

You forgot to add what the debt was before Trump got into office???

It was around 19 trillion, or it looks bigger if you do this. actually it was over 19 trillion so; 19,284,842,888,449

so when you look at it like that, it doesn’t look as bad as Democrats would make you think it is under Trump.

The debt and deficit only matter to the minority party.

If the debt level was so important during the Obama presidency I would expect the main presenters on Fox News to place it as a first order priority and to actively campaign for a reduction in the debt level and most specifically hold the current incumbent to account for the increasing debt levels.

Similarly with respect to Trump’s golf visit, Fox News presenters should be highlighting the number and costs of his visits to the golf course.

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Well put.

Golly gee what was happening when Obama took office? Record unemployment? A booming stock market?

Right now the bar is pretty low. Some of us would just like to see Trump’s supporters put away their sweaty rally-seat cushions for maybe just a moment and hold him accountable for something. Anything.


I think it would be helpful for america if the voters who continually fall for the this ■■■■■■■■ realize they are being conned.

Then, as you suggest, we can put aside the hyperbole and deal with reality.

That’s why people continue to bring this up right now - Trump ran on some preposterous thing like eliminating all the debt in 8 years. Instead blew up the deficit. It is good to point that out 1000 times because re-electing trump would be a bad idea. IMO.

On even perhaps a larger scale, it’s fair to point out the news and opinion source preferred by many conservative voters has also been incredibly hypocritical on this point, because - again IMO - news and opinion sources being dishonest with america is bad for the country. I would like to encourage my fellow americas to not use sources that lie to them, or that are hypocritical.

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