Have you ever ever seen such a thin skinned crybaby. Ann Selzer of Selzer Iowa poll is now an “enemy” at today’s sick rallies.
Trump: “One of my enemies just puts out a poll I’m three down…A fake poll right before the election that I am three points down. I’m not down in Iowa.”
I don’t know how anyone attends one of these nasty ■■■■■■■■ rantings without feeling sick in the stomach.
Justice for P’nut
Blowing a mic stand
Puerto Rico is garbage
A serial sexual harasser telling women he’ll be their protector whether they like it or not.
Can’t say they didn’t try it all.
It is the day before the election, might as well add it to the list.
The dims have their mindless warmonger in Cheney, so counter with a mindless warmonger in Nimrata?
One of the reasons the annoying orange was attractive in the beginning was he not only was not part of that crowd, he actively ridiculed them.
I doubt that Cheney is having any influence over the democrats political positions.
Fwiw I think Cheney is a horrible human being who profited immensely from the death and suffering of American service men and women. He was in the early noighties and still is now.
I am also a realist and can see why the Harris Campaign was not going to refuse his endorsement.