The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

No. It’s the low bar the GOP has established.

For dems?

What’s the difference in this context between “bar” and benchmark?

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As many as the children of the ■■■■■■■ Bush’s

The Bush men served. Well, a couple of them.

Oops yes, my bad!

The living George Bush’s daughter

Thank you.

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Lol Donald on Fox he’s so scared and he knows he’s lost.

This makes me chuckle.

NO FAIR!!! :joy:

Trump: “Can you imagine a wife not telling a husband who she’s voting for? Did you ever hear anything like that? Even if you had a horrible – if you had a bad relationship, you’re gonna tell your husband.”

Women love that ■■■■■ Donald, keep going with it.

Raise your hand if you believe pro choice Melania voted for Kamala and not telling her husband :joy:


A collection of awful people all making this same argument. Newt Gingrich. Jesse Waters.

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I’m loving his whingey accusatory spaz at women.

"Did you ever hear of … "

“Even if you have a horrible…”


It’s so good :blush:

No. I’d rather he do it. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

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Critprogs? We in seventh grade here?

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Nope. Putin said he supported Harris. I am sure she will make him happy.


Well done!

Putin certainly knows who to hoodwink :joy:


Sure, the democrats. Russia russia russia. The democrats willingly did all putins work for him.


The left should really stop pushing the “women are weak” narrative.


I’m not.

You© are not liberals by any stretch of the imagination.

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On the Tiger map.

Donald at a rally today, has done 10 minutes rambling about Hannibal Lecter and insane asylums.

I mean, come on, surely maga knows by now that Donald does this because he hears the word asylum, re immigration, and he thinks it has something to do with insane asylums? Right? Or are you pretending it’s because of something important and relevant :joy:


On the other hand, Trump always seems to find the worst possible way to express himself, which leaves him open to this kind of absurd Lib attacks. If he is doing it on purpose to make Libs look silly, it’s not working. As a group, they are too vested in hating him, so they eagerly accept the propaganda line fed to them by their leaders and the leftist media. But I don’t think he is doing it on purpose … it’s just Trump being Trump.

You’re too kind.

You are conflating lying with voting.