The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

There are a couple of progs on here who still insist gore won and the SC cheated him out of the Presidency. How long has it been since gore lost? Now have some honesty.


Well can’t be much worse than what Wisconsinites think about harris and biden thinking their garbage.

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Russia Russia Russia. I don’t think you’re telling the truth.

Did you forget Russia, Russia, Russia?

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Good point.

Hard to forget Russia when Trump keeps telling us how great Putin is. But maybe it’s just coincidence.

No, you’re missing the point. It doesn’t matter what Trump hopes for or what the Favre revelations are, it won’t change any votes.

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Sup my trashy friends?! :stuck_out_tongue:



The Trump campaign disagrees, apparently.

Nobody cares …

Good talk :sweat_smile:

Nobody cares about that either.

I can tell how little you care by how you keep responding to me and insisting that you don’t care over and over again. :wink:

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Not just me … NOBODY cares … except apparently, you.

Don’t say that, Trump cares.

“Man, does he have a hand, you know?” Trump said. "This guy shook my hand, his fingers are like sausages.“ :joy:

Lol let’s see a link for that.

I don’t care if Trump cares. It’s not going to change the way I vote. I thought I had made that perfectly clear.

Do you live in Wisconsin?

No, but nobody in Wisconsin is going to change their vote for or against Trump based on what Brett Favre did or didn’t do.

By the way, I am a long term Packers fan and I think of Favre is the Charley Hustle of football. But it’s not going to change my vote and it won’t change yours or anyone else’s. either.