The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

Handle on what? What changed since 2016?

I don’t really want to argue about the travel ban itself. I was just thinking that Trump seems to lack a catchy hook like ‘banning muslims’ or ‘mexico will pay for the wall!’.

The mass exodus of people from countries like Syria.

I think that’s still happening, isn’t it? Wasn’t there just an earthquake that made things worse?

I don’t believe at near the level back then.

Is that where the ‘let’s stop muslims from coming here’ came from? I don’t even remember…That was such a hot topic, and really worked out well for him. really stirred up the base.

This effort seems kind of lifeless compared to 2016. 2020 was a little more dull too.

I wonder if 2016 was just lightning in a bottle…one hit wonder.

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Not sure where this should go…

Trump admitted he lost. Lol.

Wonder how the folks sitting in jail over J6 feel about this.


Weird working out well.

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Well, it’s pretty easy. It’s so easy that even a dumbass can do it. You can still see the crosshairs, but the image is smaller, and your target appears to be farther away instead of closer.

Maybe he did it to sight his gun in at 400 yards on a 100-yard range. :wink:

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Well I never wonder what all the election deniers on here will say.

I look forward to the mental gymnastics.

I was just going to link to this article regarding Trump saying he lost the election. Same “you need to say this” pushed to do so vibe.

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Someone needs to perform a wellness check. My god.

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What the ■■■■ was that?

Go back 20 years or so and this kind of ■■■■ would automatically kill someone’s political campaign.

This perfectly describes that nonsense gibberish.

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Nick Fuentes is steaming lol.

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When you’ve lost Dick Cheney’s vote, you’re in deep trouble. :rofl:

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at least he isn’t shooting anyone

Nope…this time it’s just Trumpism. :sunglasses:

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