The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 1)

I noticed. I am going to move on now. :blush:. Enjoy your next target.

Okie dokie.

Must be frustrating for you, espousing a failed ideology.

Yes, neoliberalism has been rampant since Reagan. The last 40 years has produced a massive transfer of wealth from the people, to the morbidly rich. That is what RW ideology has brought to America.

Wrong, again.

There he goes with the silly nicknames again. Maybe that excites some but I have to believe it turns off a lot of other voters.

Built on the back of the prior 20 years. The unthinkable gradually became thinkable. We moved from no same sex marriage to children can use surgery to change their sex.


neolib broken record

What is “neoliberalism”? Describe it please. Are you hanging out with Soledad Bravo?

Why did you take two words out of my post to laugh at? With no actual commentary? Is that a call out?

No, it’s me laughing at you feeeeeling you multitask.

Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

Welcome. Have a nice day.

Yeah that’s a pendulum that the left is swinging around like its a toy.

I am not talking about social liberalism. That’s become a bit of a joke.

It’s called Christianity my friend and the norms that it teaches reinforces the basic family unit which is the absolute building block of this nation.

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When you’re as lost as you are, there is no compass that I can provide to get you on track with reality.

I am not going to engage in a religious discussion.

The issues I mentioned has nothing to do with any religion. Pure politics.

This is not about me. Statistics back up my position. Not feelings.

This one isn’t so silly.

Brandon is corrupt beyond any ethical forgiveness.

Watching WWIII generate in the Ukraine is a bigger turn off for me.

Remind me, under who’s watch did histories largest ever upward transfer of wealth occur?

Donald Trump


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