The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 1)


“Extracted from the DC Swamp.”

Sounds very dramatic. How does that work?

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In context, Biden is slick enough to not make it so easy to catch him in the act by leaving his very own paper trail of evidence that will implicate him directly.

Think about it like a dentist extracting teeth where the patient pays top dollar for services rendered.
In Washington DC, the dentist can’t work in town unless they “donate” heavily to politicians like Biden to get new customer referrals…

Screenshot 2023-03-19 at 22-03-57 Quora


The woke left continuously goes after people for things they did years ago. Especially when a person becomes well known and popular.

“You did a racist skit on SNL in 1994, you must apologize!”

What the left did to Kavanaugh was an absolute disgrace.

If there are low standards, it is on the side of the woke left.


The downplaying of Trump’s affair and somehow connecting that to “woke” is very Trump like.

Well done.

It’s how today’s Dem’s mostly seem to roll. Criticize the GOP for wanting “parents” to have a voice on what’s most important with what their children are being taught in public schools. Instead the leftist tend to promote welfare monies for moms who kick the dads to the curb. And sadly, additional freebies -get an increase in monthly $$$ hands out to have even more kids or not (abortions).

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Dude come on, you are better than this. Trying to excuse deadbeat dads by saying its the womans fault for wanting more benefits.

Thats the ■■■■ incels spout and I know you dont want to be associated with those dumbasses.

What next a woman getting raped because she wore a short skirt was asking for it?

I am sure there are woman who make it difficult for dads to see their kids but those are the outliers.

hildawg ha ha

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I agree with you that the vilifying someone today for acts of yesteryear is out of control.

Obviously some things are too egregious to ignore but the whole Kavanaugh debacle was embarrassing. I have no doubt he got totally wasted at parties and at times acted like a ■■■■■■ but so did I in my late teens and so did a lot of guys. Granted a lot of guys didnt.

If twitter was around when I was a kid I am sure i would have tweeted things they adult me would cringe at.

But its not just the left that do this, its become a cultural norm to do so and it is out of control.

Heck many things we did and said at work and just in general 20 years ago would not just pass muster today. Its a good thing we are evolving, cos I look back and cringe but should I be lambasted today for that? Of course not.


The thing about Trumps affair is not the affair itself but the hypocrisy by so many of his supporters. It its not the dems who have ran on “family values” and the sanctity of marriage. So yes it is funny to see these same people embrace Trump. I dont recall Trump running on any sort of family morality platform but his supporters definitely have supported and espoused those opinions.

Hypocrites exist in all walks of life and to some degree we have all indulged in it at one point but we also choose not to be in the public eye.

Good on Trump for getting some at his age. Who knows perhaps him and the missus have an open relationship where they are free to screw about.

Hypocrisy is not a one way street.

Nor did history begin 1/20/2016

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I never said it was, in fact I said all of us have engaged in it. I know I have.

Dude you can choose to bury your head in the sand but not me. Instead of being disappointed in me, why not rally more for us mere commoners? imagine if it was your kids or grandkids with those low reading and math proficiency rates like in most major cities across America. For example, in Baltimore, a big fat zero (functional illiteracy) for last years-entire class of graduating high schooler’s. No elected officials there own this major problem. And that’s because they have the residents voting for them despite their own children and grandchildren shortcoming, being the ones who get hurt most in the game of life. Instead how pathetic it is this gets ignored. And If pressed they will cast more blame for President Trump’s endorsement of Kim Klacik who lost the open Congressional seat there in 2020 being soundly defeated by a leftist.

You seem to be changing direction. I was commenting on what you said about single mums kicking dads to the kerb so they get higher benefits which is really a ■■■■■■■■ statement. Of course there may be some that do that but the majority of single mums are in a bad financial state or struggling because the father of the child refuses to be responsible.

Of course low education standards are wrong and we need to get above petty partisan ■■■■■■■ to resolve these. I dont have an easy answer for that.

It’s a complex issue for sure. The Dem President LBJ in his State of the Union address in January 1964 in announcing an “ unconditional war on poverty” introduced sweeping social welfare legislation that for all intensive purposes back fired as recipients eventually gamed the system. Fast forward to present times and we now have 3 or four generations of new mothers being taught in cities this type of thing is normal. And because the Dems keep power with votes, they (DNC) are not forced to adapt and promote the benefits of the nuclear family. Both President Trump and Governor DeSantis are for school choice and the like….

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I do not agree that females are being taught being a single parent is preferable. They are taught its nothing to be ashamed of and no woman should be made to feel guilty because of her situation.

The social stigma for woman has been removed (rightly so) and thankfully deadbeat dads are still vilified. Lets not forget deadbeat dads include the many dads who have gone onto start second families and ignore their first.

You still seem to be focused on single mums being the problem with low education standard.

“I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair, I just, I can’t speak to that," DeSantis said, to laughter in the background.

Nice going, Ron.

Ha ha! Well played Ron.

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The lesson in all this is…if you are going to pay off a porn star mistress to keep her quiet, do it with unmarked cash. No signed checks next time Mr. Trump!