The Numbers Of Current and Former Republicans Backing Biden is Staggering

If Reagan was alive today, he would also be considered a RINO.

What a great post.

Another great post, this is going to be an excellent thread.

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He regularly drank with Tip O’Neill.

What a traitor

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How are you gonna do that?? Do tell.

Dems aren’t rabidly partisan? Adam Schiff? Nadler? AOC? Seriously?


Death, taxes, and whataboutin’ for Trump.

When there is no refuting reality, fall back on blind projection. It’s the most comfortable escape plan for those folks who deep down inside recognize what they are backing and supporting is not okay. I genuinely believe there are parts, even perhaps subconsciously for some© that recognize what an abomination it is that we are all witnessing. But breaking them© out of their tribal daze is a near impossibility.

Never Trump RINOS no longer in Congress. Now that’s a bunch who represent Republican Voters.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :rofl:


Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Hey I was a Sp/4
I don’t get the reference, so I’m going to assume that it’s meant to be offensive to Sp/4’s

Voting Trump out is a good start, but I will also be voting “D” on the other federal positions on my ballot as well. Essentially, my philosophy is that Trump, anyone he endorsed, and anyone who endorsed him need ot be voted out. That will go a long way towards getting rid of the Trumpist influence in government.


Add Michael Steele to the list.

The former RNC chairman continued by saying President Trump has devolved “into preying upon fears and resentments with narcissism that nurtures only chaos and confusion.”

“Leadership is needed now more than ever and I am proudly committed to resetting the course of our nation, standing once again for the future of my Party; and working with The Lincoln Project to help restore the purpose for sitting in that chair,” he said.


Did any of them vote Trump in 2016?

Maybe one or two
Kasich didn’t.

Quite astonishing watching the GOP continue to spiral out of control. Where all that are left are anti-intellectuals and sycophants. C & D listers along with grifters and spineless, gelatinous amoebas.

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Good thread. The conservative support for Biden is unprecedented.

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Latest Rasmussen poll shows Trump approval at 51 percent. Now I know
“Republican Poll”. But even if you feel that way the point is that it can be used to show a trend over time with the same poll. That is the highest I can remember seeing that poll for Trump.
And it occurred right after the Dem convention.
No, I’m not worried about a few globalist neocons going home. I welcome it.

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Right on. Nothing to fret about, carry on.

:rofl: Those idiots think Biden is going to “reach across the aisle”.

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Nobody thinks that Trump cannot win the election. But most Americans will not vote for him. Just like 2016.