The Numbers Of Current and Former Republicans Backing Biden is Staggering

I’ve read his platforms and they are much worse than what I posted. How about you read what he has said and try and defend his idea’s instead of saying that’s not what he supports.

Sorry that all you’ve got is to go personal. And that you can’t defend anything that I posted. Wonder why? Must be because you know that this is what Biden is calling for.

You all like having the dems in power. Never seen a bunch of conservative who liked the dems as much as the never Trumpers. They hated Reagan. They hated both Bush’s. They hate Trump. But Obama, Biden and Clinton they have a love feast over.

That’s the entire joke with hardcore Trump supporters twisting themselves into a pretzel to defend the guy.

Tell us another fairy tale.
Biden does not even care about you. If there was a fire and only one person could live he would knock you down and run for the door.
It’s all about power. And he will tow the line for the powers that be in the leftist party.
Just like Obama he will be President of only one side of the aisle the rest of us can get in the back of the bus and shut up.
Why some people to post crap like this is beyond me.


I loved Reagan. I became a Republican because of Reagan. I thought I would be a lifelong republican. And I was - until 2016.

Trump, as the polar opposite of Reagan, inspired me to leave the GOP.

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There’s a big difference between doing business internationally and having some unelected ruler of the world in some distant land make some sort of law like “You’re allowed to travel by car only 10 miles/day. Your milage will be monitored. If you travel more than your allotted 10 miles, then you shall be fined x amount for every 10th of a mile that has exceeded that distance”.

Sure if you agree to pay my higher tax bill due to Trump

But the guy with a golden toilet cares about you :rofl:

The guy who doesn’t pay his contractors… he care about you

Sorry dont believe you. Because Reagan would not have thought kindly of the never trumpers. They are the same bunch who hated him.

Sorry I did not promise that your state was going to charge you high tax’s. Maybe you should move to a better state.

I have never said any politician cared about me.
That’s a leftist thing.
I live in the real world where I know they only care about themselves and getting reelected.
It amazes me that there are idiots who don’t realize that the person they voted would throw them under bus to get reelected.

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Wrong. One of Reagan’s guiding principles was not to attack fellow Republicans. Trump goes out of his way to make enemies of other Republicans. Marco Rubio was the 2016 candidate closest to Reagan’s legacy - and Trump supporters hated him.

ETA: I’ll go one step further. Ronald Reagan was a man who my father could point to and say: “Look at him - he is the type of man you should seek to become when you grow older. He has character, he behaves himself like a gentleman, and he hasn’t let his success go to his head.”

When I look at Trump, I see a man that I can point to and say “Son, see that man? This is an example of what not to be when you grow up. His character is flawed in major ways, he has not been faithful to his marriage vows, he is disrespectful and mean - spirited towards others, and he has lived a life of luxury that has robbed him of the chance to develop the work ethic that you and I have.”


Absolutely true! Democrats on the other hand usually love to crucify each other when they disagree in certain areas. I am stunned at how little that is happening this time around.

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No you haven’t.

Your descriptions of his platforms are straight from the lips of AM radio.

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You asked for a reason and I gave one, and it is a reasonable one. You can disagree, but I took the time to answer it. Now you call me foolish or gullible for trying to respond to you with my honest opinion.

If you just wanted to insult someone, just say so, that would have saved me some time trying to respectfully address your question.


First off, I wasn’t addressing you I was answering a question to another person.

If there is any politician that cares, it would be Biden. Maybe he doesn’t, but if there were only one it would be him. He is a decent guy.

Do you know that as a Senator and Veep Biden had never cashed in on his status, he was worth less than a million dollars which included his home when he left the White House in 2017. When his son was dying from brain cancer he almost had to sell his home to pay for his son’s treatments, but Obama insisted on paying for it.

That is a decent man, he is just a Democrat and you don’t seem to like that.

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You’re stretching it a lot there. And BTW, are you claiming some proof that Trump has been unfaithful to Melania during the 2016 campaign and his presidency?

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No my friend…Trump voters are not Hillaryites.
…and don’t forget to ask me who I voted for on January 21st. :sunglasses: