The NFL doesn't know when to quit. I'm done

Dude. You’re over thinking this. Deciding not to watch is a personal choice. Nobody is trying to shut down the league.

YES! That’s right!
No one to stop you either. The football watching community will survive after your departure.

I totally agree. :+1:t2:

How many people follow suit with his boycotts?

I don’t care. Anyone who wants to watch can watch. Not my business. To each his own.

What if they all stood with respect for the flag and anthem?? Wouldn’t that be something??

Anyways, The Rock and some others just bought the twice defunct XFL for $15 Million dollars. They are about to become incredibly wealthy if the nfl keeps shooting itself in the foot.

What are they going to try and have…A star spangled banner league?

All they have to do is watch the nfl business model for this year to know how to proceed.

They might even clip about 10% of the nfl’s players in time for their spring season.

How is spring football going to compete with baseball?..Its not going to happen.

they still play football?

Of course they do Thinkingman :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

if leftists are 1% of an activity, the activity will become 99% of leftists’ views

I said spring. I don’t know their exact schedule, but it was supposed to start after the superbowl and they got cancelled because of covid.

But next year, if the nfl does what they’re telegraphing, the xfl could be the dominant league playing in the fall.

Also a Chief’s fan. Grew up in Topeka. Saw Gayle Sayers play for Kansas.

Lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Back in '18 NFL was no longer worth OP’s time:

Since then, many threads, much time spent.

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I haven’t watched a game (other than parts of the super bowl at a party) in 4 - 5 years either. There are other factors other than the politics that factored into that but the politics has completely done it for me.

Last actual game I went was at Husky stadium when Seahawks were playing…remember they blown up the dome. It was something like 2 and 15 minutes to half time…it was total BS. Brother and I got up and walked out. We were season ticket holders too.

Pro football hasn’t been worth watching since they implemented free agency.

If “end racism” is a controversial “political statement” to you then perhaps it’s time for some self reflection.