The NFL doesn't know when to quit. I'm done

Of course they do Thinkingman :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

if leftists are 1% of an activity, the activity will become 99% of leftists’ views

I said spring. I don’t know their exact schedule, but it was supposed to start after the superbowl and they got cancelled because of covid.

But next year, if the nfl does what they’re telegraphing, the xfl could be the dominant league playing in the fall.

Also a Chief’s fan. Grew up in Topeka. Saw Gayle Sayers play for Kansas.

Lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Back in '18 NFL was no longer worth OP’s time:

Since then, many threads, much time spent.

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I haven’t watched a game (other than parts of the super bowl at a party) in 4 - 5 years either. There are other factors other than the politics that factored into that but the politics has completely done it for me.

Last actual game I went was at Husky stadium when Seahawks were playing…remember they blown up the dome. It was something like 2 and 15 minutes to half time…it was total BS. Brother and I got up and walked out. We were season ticket holders too.

Pro football hasn’t been worth watching since they implemented free agency.

If “end racism” is a controversial “political statement” to you then perhaps it’s time for some self reflection.


I always tune in as the game starts. I wouldn’t even know they played the anthem.

As far as slogans in the end zone? As long as they’re not replacing design, what do I care?

My gripe is mainly game related. Way too many commercials. Like someone else mentioned, the amount of flags and stupid rules is ridiculous. For me the game has changed for the worse. If not for the Cowboys I would not be watching.

There are fewer than 10 minutes of actual action in a 3 hour NFL broadcast :slight_smile:

130 plays per game x 4 seconds per play = 520 seconds = 8 minutes 40 seconds

I heard about that awhile ago. One day I’m going to time it.

Okay, that’s you. Don’t watch. Problem solved.

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I bet the NFL is wishing they would’ve just let them kneel. Lol.

Good Lord dude. Get a life, a hobby or something outside of this forum. How to you even have time for this and why is it so important to you? This kind of thing is not normal. :roll_eyes:

I mean berating someone for wasting time for doing a three second search on a forum search while posting almost daily on a forum and engaging in hours long discussions on said forum… that’s hutzpah right there


Well, they used to call me Doctor Hutzbah. I was almost ready to give to give the NFL another chance. Especially since my team drafted Burrow. But then they decided to push their politics again. So I will not be watching again. I’m not advocating this for anyone. It’s an individual choice. Nothing wrong with that. Right?

I have to disagree a bit on this one my friend. Leftist liberals have been attacking the NFL and the game of football for decades, remember all the concussion controversy? Football is part of American culture, along with our statues, traditions and founding that is currently under attack by the cancel culture anarchists. I’d say football could be the 1st sport they will illuminate if they get the chance. JMO