The New New New Covid Strain

I doubt it

Delta already does overcome the vaccine.

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“The UK health security agency, meanwhile, is worried. “This is the most significant variant we have encountered to date and urgent research is underway to learn more about its transmissibility, severity and vaccine-susceptibility,” chief executive Jenny Harries said yesterday


Those are the there things that should be examined- not just severity.

Not in a way that causes a massive uptick in death. People get sick, they rarely die.

Well, “Jenny” better get to work then, hadn’t she. Maybe her and “Tony” can get together and save you.

It’s either gonna be “worse” or it’s not

if is as bad as the “concern” is there is nothing any of us can do about it other then enjoy a very not fun ride.

What? 'Rona isn’t a death sentence on mankind?


Remember when the scary Delta vary was the “worst variant to date”?

Always another. :wink:


Dude I’m not going to anything. World governments and health agencies are. The UK and Israel already have locked down travel. The stock market is spooked. India is also considering measures. The WHO is examining it closely.

Remember Y2K?


I remember partying like it was 1999, and the lights still being on after midnight, much to the dismay of every drunkard there. lol

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Well, “Dude”, maybe you should do something.

They may have had advance knowledge of the new post Thanksgiving crisis. The new new new variant has been in the petri dish for a while. WHO turned up the heat this morning. Interesting coincidence.

Yeah no I doubt that

My plan is to eat left overs from Thanksgiving. Finish off the pumpkin and Marioberry pies.

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Remember “10 Years to Climate Crisis total destruction”?


Which time? :rofl:


There have been new variations since the start of this but most of them don’t stick around

NYC will be flooded next year.

I think going out in your yard, running around in circles and screaming "DANGER! at the top of your lungs over and over would be much more productive.

It certainly helped last year.