The Myth of Brandon Oil Inc

Some progs have been on here touting Brandon as an oil guy.


They’re attempting to take credit for what Trump did.


I had another one and now can’t find it.

Well, they’re also ignorant, sooooo… :wink:


Gosh what a surprise a spokesman for the trade association created to protect the interests of the likes of Exxon, BP, Chevron and Shell, is using media to pressure this administration to allow more drilling.


The question I’ve got is, is it true? Brandonites have been touting how there’s been more drilling and oil production than at any time in our nation’s history? Now…is that true or is it another lie that’s been fed to the sheople and they’re just regurgibleating?


They just spent 30 billion acquiring pioneer. Of course they are want more more more

The numbers are out there for you to see. Record output

The price at the pump dictates that the oil supply is lower but here’s a post from a smart poster who says;

Looks like its an all time high compared to 2019s high of 12.3 billion barrels.


It doesn’t feel that way and that is all that matters.


Feeeeeelings are pure lib…Lib. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

oil price is down. Gas prices are not immediately related. Everybody is lying to you when a dem is president

Do gasoline consumers in the US want less, less, less? Does it make sense to ask Saudi Arabia to produce more oil while we limit production here? (Definitely not influenced by my oil stocks)

Record output.

Saudi Arabia much like the US sells oil on the world market. The idea that even more more more in US will reduce gas prices is silly. Plus why kepe using up our resources…

So,we,should intentionally limit production while asking other countries to produce more?
Oh. Saudi oil production will lower oil prices world wide but US oil production increases will not lower world prices as well as bring more into the US economy?

Yes we should use our resources intelligently. And as they are privately owned sell them on the world market which means that other players on the same market get to control that market.

Capitalism be like that

Gas prices during last record output were what 30% lower? So now we are beating that output and they are 30% if not … higher

So why do you assume that even more output won’t simply make other countried cut production to keep the price inflated

Why would I assume they would decrease production and leave the US with all the oil money?