The Misfortune To Be Born In Such A Horrible Country

If all of the people that hate America and want to change it would leave, we would have a utopia.

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Great post! :+1: :clap: :clap:


Says the perpetual whining child that’s demanding that we succumb to his demands.


We are being controlled by grandpa and the spoiled children.


No. No you wouldn’t.

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What you think sucks I enjoy…so leave me the ■■■■ alone.


I don’t demand anything. I’m just telling you what is. Your resentment against “your” america changing is not my concern.

You have no idea what republic means, culture/political ignorant.


So I know not to make any contracts or do business with you.

I don’t agree with that at all.


It’s reality. You are arguing to preserve an ideal that has never existed. You’ve been indoctrinated to believe in jingoistic nonsense.

The country has real problems, and the people point those problems out and propose solutions to them.

The country isn’t perfect.

■■■■■■■■■ I bet you don’t like mass shootings. And I don’t like how much power corporations have in Washington. Do you?

“We’re already breaking it so breaking it more is great” is reality?

It may be yours, it’s not mine. Progs are turning this country into a ■■■■ hole. Not even worthy of being called a banana republic.

The country has a real problem. It’s not crit queer crap or institutional racism or any of the other prog favorites.


Who is this “we”?

Sure I do. Its a form of government where the people are the source of authority and not an unelected leader.

I wouldn’t do business with you anyway.

You’re the one that doesn’t like our country.

US citizens.

What are you talking about? I like our country.