The liberal reset, our Dear leader Brandon B-dumb is proud

White Supremacy. John Calhoun. Democrat, Republican, doesn’t matter.

It’s always covered in garbage.

See? America First causes a Pavolovian jerk to “WHITE SUPREMACY!!!” in progs. Garbage.

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“Words matter.” Then get to know what they mean.

No. I attack white supremacy, and you think I’m attacking America. Telling.

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Oh I do. I also know why progs/woke need and use their own dictionary. You© are neither sophisticated nor subtle.

Intellectually intimidated indeed.

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I said “America First”. What did you immediately drool to?

No. I’m just adequately literate and haven’t been mainlining exclusively rightwing sewage into my neck for decades.


:rofl: Your sewage is better?

You might need some coffee, you’re posting like one of the “unwashed”. Spittle flying everywhere.

“America First”





Blah blah blah prog woke liberal bargle.

It’s connected to nothing before or after.

It’s like watching someone debate the shampoo bottles in their shower.


Pretty convenient to claim to be the true representative of literally every school of American political thought simultaneously. Might as well just call yourself up-wing. All the positive things are me and all the negative ones are my enemies.


Yeah, the whole world knows Biden is a joke. He was blaming the SCOTUS for destabilizing the world over the R v. W decision in a part of the world that has always had much stricter abortion laws than the USA. They were probably wondering what the heck is he talking about.

Boris Johnson the UK Prime Minister had a good response to Biden that I heard this morning on Newsmax, paraphrasing what he said…

No matter the instability, the United States is still the shining city on the hill to the rest of the world.

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No, it sort of makes sense if you’ve ever been a kid who played with a dollhouse.

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Reached your limit?

Exactly correct. Liberalism is positive. Prog/woke is garbage. White supremacy is garbage. MAGA is garbage. Mickey Spillane is garbage. Rap isn’t music, it’s garbage. Socialism, collectivism, hip hop-all garbage.

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Oooh! Toxic femininity!

cat fight

Rest assured young lady, I have seen far more of the philosophy you think you want in execution than you every will.

You little US socialists are rank amateurs compared to the true believers. They’re committed. You’re© just little rich white kids dabbling because you’re bored.


The modern “lib” only believes in the idea of liberalism when it comes to one’s sexual expression.

Not a social movement

Not social movements either… and what progressive movement has been on the wrong side of human trafficking? I can think of a certain kind of human traffic that conservatives were definitely on the wrong side of… wanna guess?

Ah yes. Labels are extremely important to you. Me? Not so much. Change it to “leftist” if you like.