The Left doesn't want Justice, they want Their Way!

The extremists are the loud ones…but I agree they are a minority on both the left and the right.

But because they are the loud ones getting the attention they tend to be the ones who define the rest.

The problem with this request is that I’d list things that the left feels moved America forward and that you, a conservative, move feel moves us backwards or in a bad direction (examples, getting closer to univeral healthcare with Obamacare, same-sex marriage being recognized in all states and the federal level). We could go with some older classics that the most of the right have finally come around on like like suffrage for women and blacks, ending racial segregation, that sort of thing.

To vague and hyperbolic for me to respond to.

Because you can say that without fear of being arrested. Free speech doesn’t mean you won’t be criticized, justly or unjustly, for your speech.

America? I don’t know if it affected America that much. How it works out for Seattle remains to be seen.

To early to tell. Regarding Minneapolis, they haven’t gotten rid of the city police yet, but if you are a city council member getting death threats because you want to get rid of the city police, doesn’t it make more sense to go with private security then hire the department you are trying to dissolve?

The Democrats said the bill didn’t go far enough. It’s not hypocrisy when its based on a strawman.

Being a member of the right your opinion is probably that anything the left has done that the left believes strengthens the country you believe did the opposite. Likewise if I were to list all the things the Trump administration has done that I believe weaken the country you will feel they strengthen the country.

Well hey, now you know how the left felt with Trump won.

100% correct and its worth repeating!

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If mob rule is going to become the norm and government is unwilling to take on the mob then it will be left up to the citizens to defend themselves.


Pfft. Yeah right. People talked all that mess about how they could fight a civil war and it turns out they’d rather extend a ■■■■■■■ pandemic indefinitely than go without haircuts for a couple months.

The people who a couple months of paid vacation was just too much for. Sure they’re gonna be crack soldiers in this war.

Just wait and see.
If all this falls apart.
I think you will be singing a different tune.
There is a large segment in rural America that you are slamming who will stand up when push comes to shove.
They are willing to wait things out hoping for a solution that works for everyone.
But I know for a fact that they will stand and they will fight it they have to.
City folks and loud mouth leftist will hide in their basements but there will be people who fight for this country if the government lets this go on.


Yeah, many people didn’t get a “paid vacation” Many lost everything they had. But hey, ok with the left as long as it’s not them who lost.


Yep…and it will be a force that was unimaginable by those yelling at the sky.


The left has always been divided with the most mainstream groups connected to the DNC. Perhaps its the modern internet that has made the farther left groups more visible, but they’ve always been there.

The DNC and the GOP won’t split anymore, they just change. The GOP is much better at falling into line as seen with the nomination of Trump so they come across as less fractured.

No they won’t. It’s a nice fantasy and all, but the last few months have put paid to any notion that y’all are willing to endure any sort of real deprivation even for excellent reasons. It’s in the same general region as the Boogaloo Boys.

If you were working and got laid off, ninety nine times out of a hundred, you got not just unemployment bennies but incredibly generous ones at that. . .and possibly still are. UI was even expanded to cover the self employed and gig workers.

The last few months have shown the opposite…
Most of the left have shown in the past few months that they are willing to lay down and hide because they fear death. We know that almost all of the loud mouth leftist will run for their basement at the first sign that they might have to give their life.
The battle wont be long. Because the minute the left might have to die they will lay down.
The rest of us who chose to keep the country afloat have already proven we are willing to give our lives so the country can survive.
I have no fear of getting covid. If I get it and I die than that is what happens.
You think the last few months have been deprivation. How funny. You were not deprived of anything because the rest of us kept food on your table and the lights on.
What I objected to is the fact that many people were willing to kill people and destroy lives because they were afraid of death.

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UI does not cover all the bills. A lot of the left need to just admit they liked having a nice long vacation at the expense of others.

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There was a time when I didn’t think the lefties could be any more arrogant and out of touch.

Sadly, I was wrong.


Well said, well done, and welcome.

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A US in collapse is about the only hope they have in November for a clean sweep so that is their goal and has been since the whole impeachment/collusion BS blew up in their faces.


What I believe I’m witnessing is the numbers of those that could be labeled “far left” have dramatically increased on a national scale. CHAZ and then how the leaders of the Democrat party responded are evidence of this.


They pushed the Russian collusion lie all those years for a reason!

Have you figured out why?

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You know the answer and you are toying with us huh?
You rascal!