The Latest: North Korea says Pompeo talks 'regrettable'

Trump though it was okay that China new before his own military about the end of their military operations.

But at least he has the guts to participate and embarrass himself on a daily basis . I salute you Sir!

Never before has a so called win been such a bust!

Wait, what? He really said that? Did he consider that the youngest Korean vets are now in their early 80s?

The seven Army values:
Selfless service
Personal courage

Which value does that piece of ■■■■ draft dodger display?

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Swear. Crazy, right?

Since he pretty much makes ■■■■ up as he goes along, this shouldn’t be surprising.

The more you squeal, the more I know that Trump is doing the right thing for Americans. Seriously NK is the last issue that you should be arguing against Trump.

That’s disgusting. The jackass lies as easily as a pig rolls in it’s own poop.

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According to the orange idiot:
Would you do me a favor? These great fallen heroes, can we do something about it?
He agreed to it immediately.


You’re right, we’re still waiting for that incredible wall that Mexico was paying for, where the hell is it?

Right now it is in San Diego, and coming soon to a border near you.

You mean the repairs to the existing fence?

The idea if having a wall cross the entire border is not only idiotic and costly it’s also full of logistical problems. At this point it would not be finished even if Trump got in a second term.

The court challenges alone would tie this up for many years.

“The world is a gangster”- Pompeo


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Ah yes, I fondly remember the time in october '16 when my amigos and I freely ran between Tijuana and San Diego.

Riiight!, you’ve been conned my friend.

And hope to be conned again and again until it is done.

You forgot Respect.

I did, you are correct.