Originally published at: THE LATEST: GOP Senators’ Home Addresses Posted Online After Kavanaugh Hearing | Sean Hannity
Sensitive material and personal information related to Sen. Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, and Orin Hatch were posted on WikiLeaks Thursday just hours after the Senate Judiciary Committee wrapped-up its high-stakes hearing regarding Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
According to Fox News, the material was leaked from computers inside the House of Representatives and posted on the GOP lawmakers’ personal Wikipedia pages.
“The information, which supposedly included home addresses and phone numbers, was posted - or doxxed - on the senators’ respective Wikipedia pages, where users are allowed to update the information at any time. The information has since been removed,” writes Fox.
“All three targeted senators were members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who questioned both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh regarding Ford’s allegations that he sexually assaulted her over 36 years ago. The leaking of information occurred sometime after the three lawmakers questioned Kavanaugh,” adds the article.
Read the full story at Fox News.