The house select committee on Jan 6

Isn’t that asking to prove a negative? Not sure that’s how evidence works. Actually wait no that’s exactly how evidence works.

Love the like by the way. That’s not at ya thinkingman

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I would believe the open letter from the patriot if the patriot out their name on it.

Being anonymous in that situation makes little sense.

The availing to due process may very well be the opposite of Stalinist actions

:arrow_up: If anyone wants to understand what projection looks like.


You asked. I supplied a viable pretense.

I do expect there will be legislation around the counting of electoral votes. Likely explicitly countering the Eastman et al theories of rejecting and delaying.

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Look at you still can’t get over your obsession with me I see.
Look at you proving everyone’s point about leftist.

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You were projecting the venom. As someone told me once, not about you - The hate is palpable and pathetic. Hell of a quote and so very applicable.

Brandon isn’t a Marxist, he’s a hologram.


See that’s a viable argument. Reason 72916 why he lost every other time he ran for president.

And yes i am not saying i didn’t vote for him. So i will take the blame.


And I shall blame you.


i didnt ask anyone to prove anything


think of how maniac dems and sone repubs are acting




snot bubble

“due process”

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You didn’t. You criticized the explanation. It’s a distinction without a difference.


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nice try

He is already in jail.

Why does he not identify himself?

Yes it was. It was a very nice try to say that you are not saying that @Jezcoe should have to be able to show that it wasn’t one of the convicts. But that’s exactly what it was. So yes indeed a nice try.

no hes not.