The government will control what the media says . . .

Absent court packing, it’s not being done any time soon.

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And the first amendment protects the press and free speech. It does not say just speech the government approves of. And just news stories the government approves of.

Who said anything about this being what the government approves of? People are reading so far into what wasn’t said, they have no idea what was said. Fascinating.

Did you not follow? Hello, license journalists.


Media literacy encompasses the practices that allow people to access, critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media. Media literacy is not restricted to one medium.

Media literacy - Wikipedia.

I know this, I could handle the media better than the President or the President elect.

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It’s not new. Libs/dems have just come out of the closet and are being open about it and have gone beyond shadow banning and went full ape ■■■■■


Yup, straight to McCarthyism.


It will have no effect people will just tune them out as they do now as the polarization and feverish partisanship continues.

During the height of the troubles in the Britain Ireland conflict one journalist put it best when studying views on both sides and any effect the media was having on it, which he reported the general consensus was “Truth is what one is having for breakfast that day”.

Meaning they don’t give a … and peoples views were already cemented and they could care less on what the tube was telling them to think of their views.

A professional journalist license is a first amendment issue? Fascinating.

This has been a concern all along
. Did you listen to what rationality Jack Dorsey said about the Trumpster?

We will have to get comfortable about the great good of the global conversations in this moment of time.

The Chinese are very good at controlling the greater good conversations of their national interests and global interests. They controll the narrative. It is coming to the federal Republic here. Of course we will have to evaluate if we continue as a federal Republic, banana republic, of a useful glocal village.

Free Hong Kong, Free Tibet…

Fastenating but a little off point, by my opinion Mr Sotto. We will have to tighten our belts and grip the reins for a wild ride on the One Horse Pony Show.

What we have here in this fakenews land is media illiteracy, Brother @WuWei. The progressive govt and media (including Big Tech) working hand in hand to shape the narrative.

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What we have is Critical Theory replacing Critical Thinking.

Ocasio-Castro-Chavez is a communista. Until someone is successful in defeating not just her scrawny arse but the rest of her anti-American anti-Semite, anti-Israel, anti-white marxist cabal we’re going to be force fed their bull ■■■■■ Republicans in the House need to grow a pair and call these pigs out even rebuke them every time they regurgitate their remarks.


i am entitled to complain about media and its disinformation.

i am not entitled, and the government is not empowered, to stop them.


what we have is the propoganda machine supporting the fascist marriage between corporatists and the left.

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Good bartender

Actually not. I know of successful “mixologists” who make drinks that have liquors and contents that sell for $35-50.00 that have watched Ocasio-Castro-Chavez’ campy “Bartending” videos and rate her competence as amateurish at best.


why would a journalist need a license?

do we need to make sure they meet the government standards for truthiness before they can write anything?

gods but this is orwellian crap.

here’s an idea… let liberty loose. they can print whatever they like, and be sued for libel by anyone. stop giving them a separate “deal” on liability. the 1st amendment is not and should not be a shield against liability.

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