The future of US education Lib style!

Libs believe that even if everybody is equal at the bottom, it’s all good. They’re equal which is better than some, who strive harder, to excel due to their personal efforts.


“Announcing the new Big Jim dark chocolate size,.,.”

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SAT scores are down this year

2023 1028

2022 1050
2021 1060
2020 1051
2019 1059
2018 1068
2017 1060

unsure why standizied test scores are down.


:rofl: It doesn’t take the brains of an archbishop.

How are the DEI and ESG scores?


but why all of a sudden drop?

did kids in one year become zombies listening to thier master?

instead of using the shallow answer, sometimes it is best to dig deeper.



Dig away.

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Translation: I don’t like the truth, it’s unacceptable. Let’s find a reason that supports my feefees.


DEI scores have only been around since 2015.

hard to get a good handle on those scores since the number of companies scored have in 600% since 2015.


its one year. it easily could go back up in 2024 and 2023 is just a statistical blip.

i will agree if tread continues its a cause for concern.

but a one year drop?



…because they were on the runway of life when the COVID lockdowns began due to the decisions of their teachers and never had their chance to fly. Now when the flight test is at hand, they don’t have the experience to succeed.

College degree?

Because while they might have learned to hate America because … racism … and to question their own gender because … trans needs to be normalized….

They can’t read write add and subtract.

It ain’t that hard.

American education and the democrat surrogate teachers unions are doing a huge disservice to our next generations.


covid lock down were 2020 onward.

2022 scores were fine.

your explanation does NOT hold water.



You don’t know how to read treads.

That’s being charitable.

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Consider the age of the children and where they were in their educational progress of taking that test. The others you’re referring to were further along and not as negatively impacted IMO

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Look at what Mao did to the Chinese education system.

Or add, or subtract, or divide, or multiply…


Or government or civics or geography.

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And boys are now barging into the girls locker room.

There is so much garbage the woke lunatic left has dropped in this country that is miles below the greatest nation in the planet.